I am right here - Wenclair

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Enid is head-deep in her wardrobe, all sorts of vibrant and colourful articles of clothing flying out, littering her side of the room. She huffs straightening up her hands on her hips, her hair a mess

"Where the fuck is it!?"

She lets out a groan opening a drawer next growing impatient. 

She had been looking for her orange and pink sweater for the past 2 days. She wore it, put it away for laundry and this shirt somehow disappeared.

"Have you checked Yoko's room? You spend a lot of time there"

Wednesday suggests looking at the blonde for a slight second before she lets her eyes fall back to the book she was currently reading while laying on her bed.

"Yes! I did. It's not there"

Enid whimpers, Wednesday looks at her watch

"Well, you are going to be late for your lesson Sinclair, it's just a piece of fabric"

Wednesday says closing her book and getting off the bed, swinging her black leather bag over her shoulder 

"But it was my favourite piece of fabric"

Enid says her lips in a pout. Wednesday rolls her eyes and heads out not bothering to wait for the other even though they had the same lesson.

The taller girl grabs her pink bag, and gives one last look at the room, wincing seeing the mess she created.

"We'll deal with that later"

She breathes out before closing the door behind her and rushing to class. When she arrives most of the students have already found their seats. She shoots a glare towards Wednesday's direction seeing Xavier had taken the seat next to her. Wednesday seems annoyed and pays minimum to no attention to whatever the artist has to say. seeing this, a small smile spreads across Enid's face. The guy will never learn, he's bound to get stabbed sooner or later.

Enid takes the only seat available, sitting a row behind Wednesday, leaning her head against the wall she watches the other open her notebook and twirl her black pen between her fingers methodically. Enid finds herself biting her lower lips as she observes the girl's slender fingers manoeuvring around the pen. 

The teacher walks in and Enid is pulled back to reality when her name is called as the teacher does the attendance. After a few minutes into the lesson, Enid is zoned out once again. What was the point of learning about carnivorous plants anyways? If you see a scary-looking plant, don't go near it. It's not that hard. Her eyes fall on Wednesday again, the girl also looking bored, her notebook lays open still on the tabletop but the page is still blank. Wednesday sketches something with her black pen on the right corner of the page, her eyes fixated on what she was creating. Enid scoffs silently observing the girl. 

She rests her head on her hand, looking at her. Taking the opportunity to admire the girl from afar. She looks at the girl's impeccable hairstyle. Not one hair was out of place and Enid can't help but think how beautiful she'd look if she'd let her braids down, her raven hair cascading down her back in waves. She notices her chiselled jaw, clenched either out of concentration on what she was doing or her nerves getting the best of her. Her lips were so full and plump, a beautiful shade that looks almost natural. Freckles scattered across her face. Enid wishes she could be close enough to count each one. She sees the girl's lips twitching to the side revealing one of her dimples. Enid looks at it in absolute adoration, she'd give anything to poke it. Her eyes fall on her hands once again as she admires the girl's pale skin, contrasting with her dark nails and clothes. 

Her clothes. Enid was fascinated by how simple Wednesday's clothes were yet she always looked so good. Today she wears her usual sturdy black boots, adding a few inches to her height. Enid smiles looking at them, even with them on Wednesday looks so small compared to her she almost found it funny. She wore a pair of plain black cargo pants and an oversized zip-up hoodie. that went down to just above her knees. Enid didn't have to look to know the girl was wearing her signature black and white striped shirt under the hoodie. But she does anyways.

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