I'm Down Bad for You - Part 3

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Smut warning!!! ⚠️
It's uhm- something so read at ur own risk:)
Let the one handed comments begin 😊

The dorm is filled with gasps, screams and swearing at every fright throughout the move, Enid is now laying on her back, with Wednesday laying on her side next to her, her face tucked into the girl's neck, peppering it with kisses. One hand is under the other's body while the other traces random shapes in Enid's side.  Their bodies covered with a fleecy black blanket

The blonde girl cranes her neck further, giving Wednesday more space to work with, she lets out a small whimper when she feels the girl's teeth scraping gently against her skin.
Enid huffs, trying her best to stay composed and returns her gaze to the projector

"Yo turn it up a bit my hearing has been shit since my ear infection"

Divina says, thing responds by throwing the remote control at her before jumping back on Yoko's lap. The girl increases the sound by a bit but no one complains, all of them engrossed in what was happening.

Enid turns to her girlfriend, a small smile on her lips

"You're not watching? Is it too scary for you?"

Enid jokes, Wednesday rolls her eyes before craning her neck and leaving a gentle kiss on Enid's cheek, eliciting a sweet hum from the other girl

"I watched this when I was 6"

Wednesday replies casually, her head falling to Enid's chest again

"Of course you did"

Enid says pulling the girl closer by her waist, Wednesday hums in reply.
The blonde girl lets out a deep breath before speaking.

"I guess you're gonna have to find something to entertain you then"

Enid says cautiously, her eyes glued to the projector. Her heart races as she feels Wednesday's smile form against her chest

"hmm I guess so"

Wednesday says looking up to meet Enid's gaze, the taller girl keeps her eyes fixated in the movie

"I could entertain you"

She replies in a whisper, offering the girl a mischievous grin. Wednesday hums as if having a think, she gently cups her cheek and pulls her face towards her so that they are looking at each other. Enid sucks her bottom lip between her teeth, smiling seeing Wednesday's eyes fall to her lips before her thumb grazes it softly

"And how will you entertain me?"

Wednesday asks her eyes still on Enid's lips, the girl moves her lips slowly, licking her upper lip slightly, taking her time before speaking, a smile spreading across her face hearing Wednesday take in a deep breath, her grip tightening slightly around her waist.

Enid turns to her side so that her whole body is facing Wednesday, her hand lays gently over the girl's chest before she uses it to place it under the girl's chin, making her look at her.

"What if I told you I'm not wearing anything under this skirt?"

Enid says, her voice low, her bottom lip once more stuck between her teeth as she holds back a smile when she sees Wednesday's eyes widening at the news. Enid leans in and closes the distance between them, kissing Wednesday passionately for a short time before moving to her jaw. Wednesday pulls the girl from her waist until  their chests are pressed together and Wednesday can feel Enid's throbbing center against her hardening cock.
Enid moves closer, whispering in the girl's ear now

"What if I told you these fishnets happen to be torn in all the right places?"

Enid smiles against the girl's skin before kissing Wednesday's sweet spot, her tongue gently grazing her skin as she tastes her. Wednesday's short nails dig into the girl's skin only fuelling Enid further as she lets her body roll forward, letting the faintest moan escape her lips when she feels Wednesday's cock rubbing against her core.
Wednesday's hairs stand on end at the sound, her hand travels down to Enid's thigh as she shifts it so it's over her own legs bucking her hips slowly while Enid rolls against her at the same time. The smaller girl rolls her eyes to the back of her head at the sound that leaves Enid's lips. Her hot breath against her ear. Enid's hand now wraps loosely around the other's throat as she pulls away to face Wednesday, a smirk plastered on her face, her eyes falling to Wednesday's lips as she speaks

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