Story choices!

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Hello my beautiful babes i would like to tell you all that i really appreciate you and you all mean the world to me

And also you are amazing because last choices u ALL used numbers!!!! So proud of you my loves.

Story choice 1:
Emma's bodyguard needs a few days off, while taking pictures a fan takes advantage of this, trying to get closer to Emma. Jenna who was next to her as they smiled for the press defends the girl who gently asks the fan to remove his hold on Emma. The two argue about the fact that Emma was running around with no bodyguard. This argument makes its way to a live interview where Jenna breaks down and Emma comforts her, on camera.

Story choice 2:
Jenna's last bodyguard was shit, so she hires a female body guard, Emma myers has an impressive history of celebrities she's worked for for her young age, she is all business. But Jenna wants a hug, but that would breach Emma's contract, and you know how Hollywood is. One word from a celebrity could end anyone's career.
So Emma shows that she cares in different ways. Acts of service, pet names, compliments. Giving Jenna the princess treatment. But she does not engage in physical touch unless she has to no matter how many times Jenna asks, pleads and begs. That is, until she sees Jenna crying her eyes out, rocking back and forth and having the worst panic attack she had ever seen

Story choice 3:
Wednesday teaches at Nevermore, she spends her lunch with her niece, seeing her younger self in her. Alone, only Selene did not enjoy being along and did not find comfort in her solitude like her aunt does. So they spend lunch together and Wednesday tells her a story from when she was her age. Sometimes a new teacher joins them due to not being comfortable yet to eat with the rest of the staff.  Hating the way most were against Wednesday, how she was heartless and incapable of love. But the professor new better. She knew her, but Wednesday didn't due to a curse that befell her in order to keep her safe from her own mind after what happened with the hyde.
A knot forms in the professor's throat as she hears the beginning of today's story. A love story of a lover she had forgotten.

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