This Is Reality Part 1 - Wenclair

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In this short story, Weems did not die that night. Gracias

Enid's head moves frantically as she walks down the hall with Yoko by her side. The blonde girl cranes her neck, looking left and right, hoping to spot her pig tailed roommate.

"Duuuudeee will you stop? How are you so attached to that psycho"

Yoko whines as she rolls her eyes to the back of her head. Enid shakes her head, gulping down the nagging feeling building up in her stomach.

"Enough to put my life on the line for her apparently. I just- I haven't seen her yet today-"


Yoko exclaims, startling Enid slightly.

"she wasn't even in our dorm. It's not normal, what if she's in some kind of trouble"

Enid says feeling her chest tightening at the thought. The two walk into class, finding their seats. Yoko slouches down on her chair but Enid stays standing up, her fingers tapping on the table at a quick rhythm.

"There's your serial killer"

Yoko says nodding towards the classroom door as Wednesday walked in.


Enid says hurrying to her.


The other girl greets

"Why weren't you in our dorm?"

"I had an early errand today"

"Where were you?"

"I promised Eugene I'd help him harvest honey."

"What's that? Are you hurt? Did someone hurt you?"

Enid asks hecticly as she pointed at Wednesday's bandaged arm.

"No, I was unfortunately stung by a bee, Eugene insisted on going to the infirmary. They are very dramatic, A simple band aid would've been more than enough."

Wednesday says, resuming walking. Enid follows close behind.

"So you're okay?"

"Yes, Enid. Is something wrong?"

Wednesday says as she sits in her chair, taking out her black pen and black notepad

"Yeah totes! Just checking on you"

Enid says offering a wink. Wednesday  nods slightly.

"Can I sit next to you today?"

Enid asks cautiously, Wednesday, who isn't looking up continues to write the date on the  top left corner of her page.

"No, you cannot"

She replies shortly after.
Enid's face falls into a frown, her forehead creasing and her eyebrows furrowing, putting on her best puppy eyes

"Come on, please Wednesday?"

"Enid, Mr. Huttenberg has a very strict rule regarding seating. Your seat is next to Yoko, mine is next to Bianca, unfortunately"

Wednesday explains, Enid feels relieved that the only reason she was being rejected was due to Mr Huttenberg's rule.

"He won't notice the difference"

Enid insists. Wednesday now stops writing and turns to face Enid.

"You have blonde hair. She is bald. I believe the difference will be quite easy to spot"

Wenclair/Jemma one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now