Stalked - Wenclair Part 3

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I should've named this short story Hello Kitty bandaid- might change it if the plot lines how it's supposed to plot line 🧘‍♀️

Also look at how talented this girl is?? LOOK AT MY DOGG PAINTING IT'S SOO KSNFKWFKWM

Wednesday's boots feel heavy on her feet as she walks into the forest. Leaves crunching under them. Her phone vibrates once again. Wednesday rolls her eyes and this time decides to respond.

7 messages.

Enid: i was serious about only waiting till midnight Weds

Enid: promise you'll be careful?

Enid: you could've at least taken thing with you

Enid: it's not like he's gonna stop me from following you he's literally a hand

Enid: I don't feel good about this

Enid: you've been gone for 15mins can you send something so ik you're okay.

Enid: stop ignoring me I'm worried:(

Wednesday's thumbs hover on the keyboard of her screen.

Weds🥰: I am okay. However, I will not be able to reply again.  I will be fine, just stay away. Please.

Enid: midnight. That's it.

Weds🥰: No, stay away no matter what happens, and remove this horrific face from my name.

Enid: that was not our agreement and no I'm not removing it i like it

Weds🥰: I do not.

Enid: i didn't ask😘

Wednesday feels a ghost of a smile tickle her lips, she locks her phone and puts it back in her oversized jacket's pocket. The sound of a twig breaking catches her attention, her hands automatically reach for her dagger, she holds her breath, willing her heart to calm down.

Another sound, like hurried steps across the leave-coated ground. Wednesday focuses her attention on the direction the sound was coming from. In front of her. Bad idea.

A black bag covers her whole face before she can detect the rustling of leaves from behind her. The hem of it wraps tightly around her neck and she doesn't fight it. There's no use. She is in no position to attack, so she defends. Her hands protecting her head, awaiting to be hit and hurt.
But that never comes, instead a hoarse voice speaks

"Bit slow aren't you?"
Wednesday's jaw clenches, able to hear the amused smile in the voice.

"Bit weak isn't it, unable to face me upfront"

Wednesday replies, she feels her hands being put behind her back roughly, one hand holding both of hers in place.

The voice this time appears to be irritated, good Wednesday thinks.

She's followed this path a hundred times. She feels herself being pushed towards the crypt. The large doors ar pushed open Wednesday hears her kidnapper's ragged breath, they're struggling. Opening the door with one hand while keeping the girl's hands tied with the other. Wednesday takes note of this, lack of physical strength.

Wenclair/Jemma one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now