About that belt (2/2) - Jemma

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Emma felt grateful that it was a group interview and that she didn't have to talk as much because if she was being honest, she had no idea what was being said around her. She felt stuck in some kind of trance, her body tingling throughout the interview. All she was able to think about was the things that would take place once this interview is over and Jenna and she are alone in the privacy of her apartment.

"no, cause you literally are"

Emma ponders the other's comment. The girl had to be bluffing. She couldn't have been serious. Maybe it was a joke that Emma had failed to decode. Jenna would never actually- especially not now that she is technically her superior.
But that kiss they shared told a whole different story. Emma finds herself crossing her leg over the other tightly thinking back to what happened just a few minutes ago, Jenna pressed against that desk. Emma's hands as they found their way to the other's thighs. 
If the girl was bluffing, why has she constantly looked at Emma throughout this interview? 
Jenna, who was now situated between Naomi and Joanna as some of the other actors had switched seats, had her eyes glued to the girl opposite her, Eyes taking her full body in. Her pointing finger rubbed her bottom lip slowly as she looked at Emma.

The two of them lock eyes. Emma's body tenses her eyes growing slightly wide as she looks into Jenna's dark ones. She feels her stomach turning and hears her heartbeat in her ear. Jenna quickly picks up on the other's body language and after ensuring it was not anxiety from the interview she gives Emma a smirk. Not a sweet one, not a warm one. A smirk that simply said "I was not bluffing, Myers"

Emma gulps looking away from Jenna and busying herself with fixing her beige Sweater, Fixing the hem that was partially tugged into her coffee brown skirt that fit snugly against her thighs. She looks up to the interviewer, stealing a quick glimpse at Jenna, oh she wishes she hadn't. Jenna's eyes looking her up and down, stopping at the centre of her body, the shorter girl's bottom lip subtly being pulled in between her teeth made Emma's breath hitch.

She is not bluffing.

"A question for Emma, Emma who do you think should end up with Wednesday? and why?"

The interviewer asks pulling Emma out of her thoughts. The whole cast turns their attention to her, all with a knowing smirk on their face. Emma feels herself blush. The chemistry between her and Jenna was a secret to no one. The two were constantly looking for each other on set, constantly touching in some way or another whether it was them curled up into each other to the point where the only indicator of where one started and the other ended was their contradicting colour palettes on set, or, simply sitting next to each other, both of them on the floor, Jenna laying her head on the other's shoulder as they scrolled through their feed aimlessly during breaks between shooting.

"To me right now Wednesday should be alone. I think she has a lot of things that she needs to deal with after how things ended in season 1 but if there was to be a romantic relationship between her and someone else, for me it should be Enid."

Emma says receiving various nods of agreement from the people around her

"They just make the most sense. Enid makes the most sense. Cause you have Tyler, Besides being out of the picture now Wednesday never gave him any signs of her liking him. He must have been imagining that. Wednesday did what she can't help but do. She used him to get what she wants as she does with everyone. And she doesn't feel bad about it. Unless that person is Enid. The two's relationship has evolved so beautifully and effortlessly. Wednesday's signs are towards Enid they've always been towards her. Like- tolerating physical touch, She blinks most of the time around Enid. Being genuinely upset and even looked like she was about to cry after Enid temporarily moves in with Yoko. Even the fact that Wednesday barely knew Enid when she told her about the last time she cried. Firstly that was an immensely personal experience she chose to share on the first night they met and secondly, the sole reason she shared that was as an attempt to comfort Enid. And like another thousand signs that bounced between the two throughout the season."

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