I'm Down Bad for You - Part 1

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⚠️ warnings⚠️
Wednesday is intersex in this story
Smut (obvi) no not all of it will be a dick going inside a vagina guys
Hope you enjoy 💜 i think it will have 3/4parts - smut is in the 2nd and 3rd and 4th according to my plan rn okay ly bye

Wednesday is baby in this by the way

Wednesday lays in her bed, her phone resting on her chest as she scrolls through her feed, her eyes glancing at the digital clock on the left corner of her phone every few seconds.

She huffs in boredom as her dorm room swings open and a bright Enid walks through the door, Wednesday immediately locks her phone and turns her full attention to the girl in front of her, her eyes shimmering at the sight as a smile pulls at her lips. She hates how vulnerable the girl has made her but she adores it at the same time. She makes her feel, so much.

"Hey you, how'd your exam go?"

Wednesday asks, her eyes following the girl's figure as she set her pink bag down on her desk chair and strutted her way towards Wednesday purposefully, her eyes narrowed and a smirk on her lips

"Amazing? All because of you"

Enid replies happily, taking Wednesday's face in her hands, the girl lets her, her smile growing wider when she feels Enid's soft lips on her forehead

"I just helped you study, it was all you"

Wednesday assures, sitting up on her bed, Enid shakes her head

"You just don't know how to cut yourself some slack do you?"

Enid says leaning down and placing a small kiss on the girl's lips, Wednesday smiles and reciprocates the gesture, her hands wrapping gently around Enid's waist

"I missed you"

Enid speaks into the kiss before deepening the kiss. A small moan falls from Wednesday's mouth when she feels Enid's tongue pushing into her mouth and feels the girl crawling on the bed, her legs spreading on each side of Wednesday's body, pinning the other down as she straddles her.

"I believe I missed you too"

Wednesday replies pulling away slightly to catch her breath, Enid lets out a small giggle before pushing Wednesday backwards using one hand and letting herself fall forward until their chests are flush together and Enid is still on top of her.

The blonde girl disconnects their lips and starts trailing slow kisses along Wednesday's jaw until she reaches her ear

"Have you now?"

Enid asks, her lips brushing against the girl's ear. Wednesday's breath is heavy, her chest rising and falling quickly, her hands laying on Enid's hips before one travels to the nape of the girl's neck and pulls her back into an open mouthed kiss, eliciting a whimper from Enid when she sucks her bottom lip into her mouth.

Wednesday turns her body so that Enid is no longer straddling her but is instead laying on her side next to her. Wednesday's hand shifts from the girl's hips to her ass grabbing firmly while her other cups the girl's face gently, they kiss for a few more seconds before Wednesday pulls away, leaving a flushed Enid with her mouth agape, gasping for air, her hips rolling against Wednesday's own, the small Latina backs herself slightly so that Enid's body does not touch her own. Enid rolls her eyes at the gesture, never becoming used to it.

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