Story Choices!

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Ik i said (whoever follow my message board) that I wasn't gonna give choices this time. But i changed my mind. I'm not angry anymore. I'm happy:))

Vote away loves WITH FUCKING NUMBERS 🔢

A killer is at large, the victims found with disfigured bodies, a piece of paper on them, justifying the killer's actions.
What happens when Wednesday teams up with this killer? Acting as a source of information for them? What happens when she comes across a familiar face? One that sends her back to when she was only 4. What happens when she can't carry out the research needed to find him, cause she can't bear to look at him? Will the man get away from the killer due to Wednesday's lack of input?
Classic bonnie and clyde but make it gay
This is my version of the reversed roles of the short story "safe person" where Wednesday is in need of comfort.
Please be aware that mentions of Sexual Assault will be mentioned and other forms of abuse, threats, panic attacks etc.
Might end in smut
MCs are basically the "villains" but not exactly cuz their actions are justified in my world:))

weds starts having a silent panic attack. Enid notices. Wednesday denies it in the most awkward/nervous way and breaks down once she sees Enid showing so much concern

Enid is a few days away from her first transformation after the hyde. She is terrified of going to the cages. So when Larissa and 2 security guards follow her to her room, her only comfort and feeling of safety is Wednesday. The smaller girl argues with the principal and threatens the security guards, to no avail. So her words slip out before she can stop them. She would stay in the cage with Enid.

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