Stalked - Wenclair

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"Hey, I'm heading to the mall with Yoko"

Enid pops her head in from behind the dorm's door, Wednesday shrugs, her fingers dancing above her typewriter.

"I did not ask, and I do not care"

Wednesday says flatly, not bothering to look over to the other girl. Enid deflates on the spot, her shoulders sagging, her eyes falling to the ground

"I know I was just- I don't know letting you know"

Enid says her voice is small as she fidgets nervously with the doorknob

"Don't bother next time"

Wednesday replies dryly

"Is it cause it's Yoko?"

"I do not like your so-called friend, but you won't listen. I also genuinely could not care less what you do and where you go"

Wednesday says now turning around, Enid looks at her, large doe eyes in the shade of the ocean

"She says she likes you, she's upset you hate her guts"

"I am not responsible for anyone's feelings but my own. Now please, leave me be"

Wednesday says turning back to her desk, Enid gives a pleading look to thing, who sat quietly on the desk, he kneels apologetically

"I'll try and talk to her"
He signs cautiously, hoping Wednesday wouldn't catch him.
Enid huffs sadly before grabbing her pink coat and heading out. Once the door is shut close, Wednesday's fingers stop at once

"I must figure this out"

Wednesday says now unlocking her phone

"It's not fair that you're treating her like this, you're hurting her. Again"

Thing signs, Wednesday glares at him, that last work stinging her slightly

"You know it is out of my hands. If I do not do as they are asking, she will be even more hurt. She is not hurt, that means whoever my stalker is, is close enough to the both of us that they know what is happening. Enid would only talk about our relationship with you or with Yoko, it is clear she is the stalker, I just need to prove it"

" Yoko has no motive to harm you, you've gotten stabbed by your stalker Wednesday! Why would Yoko do that? "

Thing argues, Wednesday seems pensive as she tries to think of a reason, she can't

" I do not know but I fully believe it is her"

Wednesday huffs, her phone dings, a new message from an unknown number

" Would you like to play a game, Addams? "

A smirk creeps itself on Wednesday's lips

"That's the spirit"

She says out loud, thing jumps on to her shoulder, tapping it frantically after he's read the text

"This is my chance to put an end to this Thing, I have to do this. You want me to stop being so cold with Enid, no?"

She says grabbing him and putting him back on the desk so they are facing each other. Thing fumbles, not knowing what to say

" Yes but- what if she's dangerous? What if it's not her and it's someone dangerous? What then"

Wednesday rolls her eyes and replies to the message

"Not really, I always win. It gets quite boring after a while."

"I doubt you'll win this one, meet me at the crypt. Tomorrow, 10 sharp. Remember, I'm always watching you"

Wednesday's stares at the text, she looks around her dorm, just her and Thing.
She lets out a deep breath.

Wenclair/Jemma one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now