Wednesday burst through the door, huffing through her nose, her eyebrows furrowed in anger. She flung the small black leathered bag onto the bed, allowing Thing to crawl out. She takes a seat on her writing chair, putting her head in her hands, and rubbing her temples furiously.
"Nothing is working!"
She says slamming her hands onto her desk. Thing struggles to make his way to the desk's surface, once he does he signs to the girl in front of him
"Do you want to try hypnosis again, maybe?"
He offers, Wednesday shakes her head
"No, It's useless, at this point I'm just going to staple my eyelids shut"
Wednesday says, Thing is about to respond when the dorm door is opened once more, a colourful Enid making her way inside.
"Hey Weds, can you close the window? It's freezing"
She says shuddering as she took off her extra layers of clothing and hung them over the back of her chair.
"I enjoy the cold temperature, It helps me write"
Wednesday responds not looking at the other girl
"Well, I don't so-"
Enid says as she makes her way to Wednesday's side and closes the window gently.
"Thing can you give me some time. I need to talk to Wednesday privately"
Enid says not looking at either of them as she plugged her phone on charge and headed to the bathroom to brush her teeth, Thing offered her a salute and left the two of them alone in their dorm. Enid doesn't speak or look at Wednesday but the other girl could sense tension.
"Quite unusual for you to be back so early. Did you fight with your girlfriend?"
Wednesday says walking towards the other girl and leaning slightly against the doorframe
"For the millionth time, Yoko is not my girlfriend, she's not my type"
Enid says rolling her eyes to the back of her head after spitting the toothpaste into the sink.
"I'm here because of you"
Enid says turning to look at her, Wednesday's eyebrows furrow in confusion.
"I'm afraid I do not follow"
She says truthfully. Enid dries her lips with a towel, she grabs Wednesday by her wrist and leads her to her desk. Making the shorter girl sit down on her chair while Enid leaned against the desk itself.
"You've been skipping lessons, you haven't been attending any of your extra-curricular activities. Not Even going to the bee hive. You look paler than usual, you haven't threatened me in 5 days and you haven't been writing for a full hour everyday. I'm worried about you"
Enid says in one breath. Wednesday looks up to the girl, astonished that she had noticed such small details. Enid meets her gaze, her big blue eyes filled with nothing but concern and kindness
"What's going on Weds?"
Enid asks gently, pushing herself away from the desk and instead crouching in front of the smaller girl who sat with her hands folded on her laps. Enid rests her hands gently on the girl's own, partially to keep her balance and also to provide some kind of comfort at the stoic figure in front of her. Wednesday takes a subtle deep breath before speaking
"I've been having some trouble- with sleep"
Wednesday admits, her eyes fixed on their hands, Enid uses her thumb to caress the girl's hand gently and Wednesday finds herself irritated when she realizes that the she doesn't hate it.

Wenclair/Jemma one-shots
FanfictionHello there. updates will be very slow. there will be smut, fluff, strong language and others (I will be putting a warning before, not for fluff obviously) beware that the writing will be shit as I am absolutely shit and capturing Wednesday's essenc...