Enid - Wenclair

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Wednesday could not believe how she could let herself be dragged to this pathetic dance. Why would she agree to partake in such an irritating activity? She could be writing away on her typewriter right now, one page closer to becoming the youngest novelist. But here she is, sitting at a table, glaring at all the smiling people around her. Because of those eyes.
Those stupidly bright eyes. The same ones that lit her heart on fire and made her stumble on her words.

"I am going back to my dorm. I trust you will pass on the message to Enid"

She says getting up from her seat. Thing sits on the table, lowering himself as if nodding. Wednesday nods back curtly before leaving the hall that was draped in white making her eyes hurt. Wednesday carries her instrument out to their balcony and plays a few notes as if testing it.

After finding a comfortable position she allows her hand to flow, creating a beautiful melody. Her eyes shut close as she allows the music to take over her body.

"Hey you"

A soft voice came from behind her, she stops abruptly but doesn't turn around

"What are you doing here?"

She asks placing the bow neatly back in its case.

"I could ask you the same thing"

Enid moves forward now in Wednesday's sight. The black-haired girl tries not to look for too long. But her eyes can't help but wander over how beautiful the girl looked dressed in a magnificent long red dress that fell at her shoulders. Her bare leg exposed due to a high thigh slit in the dress.

"It is simply not my preferred ambience"

"Fair enough"

Enid says resting her hands against the stone railing looking into the distance

"What's your excuse?"

The smaller girl gets up and heads into their room for a few short seconds to place the cello next to her desk

"uhm my ex-crush is a dick?"

"I saw. Did he at least explain why he never showed up for your date?"

Wednesday says still inside the room, next to her desk as she cleared up some papers, She looks over to their large window to find Enid smiling sadly shaking her head


She mumbles under her breath

"I thought I'd enjoy the ball, you know dance it out? I thought I'd magically bump into someone and they'd ask me to dance with them. That would be a little awkward given I can't slow dance but still. I- I thought tonight would go differently"

Enid lets out sadly. She looks up to find Wednesday with her head peeking out of the window her eyes furrowed in shock, her nose scrunched slightly and her lips slightly agape

"I beg your pardon?"

She says a hand on her chest as if Enid had said something that physically pained her


Enid asks innocently. Wednesday makes her way out to the balcony once again, her posture as straight as a plank. Her hands neatly tucked behind her back

"First of all, if you think of that idiotic gathering as a ball you have clearly never attended one. And secondly, I hope I misheard you but, you do not know how to slow dance? like - can you Waltz?"

Wednesday eyes her, eyes growing wide in shock as Enid looks at her confused

"You talk like you've ever been to a ball-"

Wenclair/Jemma one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now