Let Me Down Slowly - Jemma

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Jenna walks up the stairs to her room with 2 large glasses of water, She finds Emma scrolling through her phone while sitting on her bed, She smiles in admiration as she closes the door to her room using her foot and places the glasses down on the nightstand. Emma immediately locks her phone and pushes it to the side, focusing her attention on Jenna.

"So, how's shooting going?"

Jenna asks sitting on her own back and slowly laying down on her back, her arms laying on her stomach. Emma huffs loudly putting her hands up in the air as she fell backwards dramatically, now laying on her back as well.

"It's shit"

She says her eyes closed. Jenna's Lips twitch into a frown before asking why

"I don't know. Most of the cast is great. I love Jennifer but like- I play soccer in the movie and have never touched a ball. I'd assume they would take care of it, but I have to find my own coach to train me. Isn't that the production's responsibility? Or something? I didn't look for my wolf camp when we shot Wednesday."

Emma says her hands in the air as she reasoned out her argument. Jenna, now on her side looking down at Emma nodded slowly as she listened actively to the girl's rant.

"No you're right, they should be the ones providing training."

She agrees.

"Maybe it's cause it's just small things like a penalty shootout and some dribbling. But still- they could've at least informed me a little before, not 3 days before we shoot the scene."

Emma continues now turning on her stomach. Jenna's eyes unintentionally fall to Emma's whole body for a second before focusing her eyes back on Emma's face.

"Still their job and not yours love, I can teach you that if you want? I used to train soccer I was quite good at it"

Jenna says offering her a small smile, Emma's eyes light up as she crawls towards Jenna now on her knees

"Really? You'll do that?"

She asks her hands holding Jenna's shoulders shaking the small girl slightly. Jenna laughs and nods her head, Opening her arms as Emma fell into her while thanking her endlessly. The two stay like this for a few minutes. Jenna leaves a kiss on Emma's head as he ran her fingers through her brown short hair. The taller girl nuzzles closer to Jenna.

"I miss us"

She mutters under her breath. Jenna hums in agreement cupping Emma's cheek before kissing her forehead


That day Jenna drove Emma back to her own house to get some clothes. Jenna had rented an indoor pitch for a few hours so the two will be less likely spotted by people. 

They drove back to Jenna's house, the whole family was sitting at dinner when they arrived so they joined them for dinner, talking about everything before then heading upstairs. Emma took a shower in Jenna's bathroom and got under the covers, Waiting for Jenna to get back from the bathroom. When she does, The smaller girl jumps over Emma making her giggle, She finds a comfortable position, laying on top of the other girl as she watched the tiktoks Emma had on her for you page.

"Hmph- Imagine if they knew those looks were not scripted"

Jenna scoffs as they watch a video that showed the many times Wednesday looked softly at Enid and vice versa.

"Oh God, I can't even imagine"

Emma laughs locking her phone and putting it on the nightstand. she wraps her arms around Jenna's waist and stares at the ceiling, surrounded by darkness

Wenclair/Jemma one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now