I'm Down Bad for You - Part 2

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Pet demon😚: Eugene would like to thank you for inviting him.

Enid💜: you invited him

Pet demon😚: he does not need to know that
Pet demon😚: I'm going to help him set up his cart. How's baking?

Enid💜: she won't let me touch anything sharp:(

Pet demon😚: that's smart

Enid💜: fuck you

Pet demon😚: I'm pretty sure it works the other way round

Pet demon😚: so you're just watching them bake? 🤣

Enid💜: nooooo!! I'm in charge of kneading the though😏

Pet demon😚: don't, Enid. I can smell the bad pick up line from here

Enid💜: i could knead something else yk😏

Pet demon😚: Jesus Christ angel

Enid💜: come on that was pretty good!

Pet demon😚: it really wasn't

Enid💜:😠 you're just saying that to yourself so you don't get hard at the thought of me rubbing you

Pet demon😚: oh you're so fucked tonight 😃

Enid💜: I'm not we have company, why do you think I'm being this bold?

Pet demon😚: well guess what

Pet demon😚: I don't care that we have company😃

Enid💜: wait what?
Enid💜: shit

Pet demon😚: 🥰 see you later angel

Enid💜: 🥲

"Yoo are you helping us or nah?!"

Yoko says throwing some flour towards Enid who was standing behind the small counter with chocolate chip dough in front of her

"Sorry, I think Wednesday and I might've finally made things official and I'm - ugh I don't even know what I'm doing"

Enid says putting her phone face down and restarting her task, her cheeks glowing red

"She finally asked you to be her girlfriend?"

Yoko says stopping mid task, Enid thinks for a second

"uhm- no not exactly? But like, basically yeah? But not- officially"

Enid says her happiness deflates at the word, Enid gives her a pity smile

"Looks like you're still in the same place E, but why don't you just ask her?"

"Hmm, yeah I might after today's conversation, she probably just assumes we're together like for real"

Enid reasons, given it's what she thought too

Yoko shrugs her shoulder slightly

"maybe, but it'd still be nice to be officially asked you know? Divina made me a handmade card to ask me to be her girlfriend, it was so cute"

"that's so cute!"

Enid exclaims, genuinely happy for Yoko, but for a slight second she feels heavy, a pang of jealousy hitting her. She shakes it off knowing Wednesday isn't that type of person, and she's okay with it.

Time flies, and before they know it Yoko and Enid are preparing their costumes, the snacks they made prepped and ready in different bowls, thing now doing Yoko's nails while Enid fixed her hair in a quicky ponytail so she could start her make-up. Her phone pings, signalling a notification

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