Vanilla and Roses - Jemma

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"I swear I'll bring it back when we start filming again"

Emma tried to reason with one of the producers, a sheepish smile on her face. The guy pulled his headphones down from his ears, his eyes closed, shaking his head gently

"Sorry Emma, the big boss says I can't let anyone take anything from this specific set, you know it's the heart of the series"

The guy says nicely, his apology reaches his eyes.

"What if i took it to another set, can I  take it then?"

She says through a scoff. The guy gives her a sweet smile, once more shaking his head and apologizing again.

Emma pulls her rucksack onto her shoulder, checking her phone to see the update of her Uber. It said it would be there in 10 minutes, if Jenna wasn't ready, she was gonna flip

She dials the girl's phone, smiling, realizing she had remembered it by heart. The phone rings three times before it goes silent.

"Hi there"

"Hey you, where are you?"

"Oh just getting my bag, sorry I got held up in the meeting"

"Uber will be here in 10 mins, hurry up"

"Yeah I'll be there, at the front yeah?"

"Yes ma'am"

"Okay, see you ems"

"See you"

Emma dropped the phone from her ear, slid it into her back pocket as she made her way off set, looking for a short, black haired latina as she moved.

Jenna meets her at the front a few seconds after, her luggage almost as big as her figure

"Why didn't you tell me I would've came and helped you"

Emma says hurrying to the struggling girl and taking the gym bag that was on her shoulder

"No it's fine, I got it"

She says breathlessly and unconvincingly. Emma rolls her eyes a smile playing on her lips as she swung the gym bag over her shoulder and took hold of Jenna's luggage, leaving the shorter girl with a small backpack on her back.

"What'd you take from the set?"

Jenna says knowing the whole set was buzzing with the question

"Nothing, what about you"

Emma says looking at Jenna who was eyeing her suspiciously

"I took Wednesday's snood. What do you mean you didn't take anything?"

Jenna says turning her full body to face Emma

"Well I wanted that little dragon, you know it's on Enid's side of the room like above her bed?"

Emma says her thumb and pointer finger creating an area that resembles the plush's size

Jenna nods, knowing which one she was referring to.

"Yeah they said I couldn't, cause our room is the heart of the set or whatever so, that's where all Enid and Wednesday's stuff is though"

Emma says sounding a little upset

"Yeah, the snood was never seen after that episode it's probably why they let me take it"

Jenna reasons more with herself than with Emma. The taller girl hums agreeing.

Emma checks her phone again, her screen showing her the small car moving along the streets, on it's way to them

"they're just around the corner"

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