Tire me out - part 3 (finale)

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TW ⚠️
rough sex (not the actual sex just what leas up to it. Not as bad as the previous chapter)

Okay I'll shut up now


Enid grunts as she hears her alarm going off, she looks over to the nightstand to see her phone flashing. 3 in the morning. She shuts the alarm off, takes a deep breath and after looks over to Wednesday, who was still sleeping peacefully in her arms. She leaves a kiss on her head before trying to slowly slip from beside her.

Although Wednesday slept through her alarm, she stirred awake the second she felt Enid leaving her side. Her hand gripped tighter on the girl's stomach.

"Where are you going at this hour?"

Wednesday asks her raspy voice filling the dorm. Awakening something in Enid she couldn't quite label.

"It's Tuesday, I have Lycan training, I'm sorry"

Enid says turning on her side to fully face Wednesday.

"Skip it."

The raven haired girl suggests. Enid smiles, her hand travelling to the girl's face, cupping Wednesday's cheek gently.

"I would, but my mother asked the school to alert her if I ever skipped a session"

Enid says her bottom lip sticking out as her thumb caressed the shorter girl's cheek gingerly.

"But, what I can do- is be late. As always"

Enid says scoffing.

"How about I stay with you till you fall back asleep?"

Enid suggests, snuggling closer to Wednesday, a smile spreading across her lips when she realizes Wednesday didn't pull away, instead the Addams' daughter pulled Enid closer ti her by her waist.

"Did you mean what you said last night?"

Wednesday asks

"Which bit? I don't actually think you're a slut if that's what you're on about"

Enid confesses right away. Wednesday scoffs.

"About the strings"

Wednesday clarifies

"Oh yeah. I did, did you?"

Enid asks her heart beating violently in her chest

"Yes. It's terrifying"

Wednesday admits her voice small. Enid gives her a few seconds and Wednesday speaks again.

"I was holding a flower in my hand when you went to get your assets. In the bath tub. I didn't think how horrendous it looked. I thought of you, it was your favourite colour. I'm mortified of the way you have infiltrated my thoughts."

"I'm sorry, I understand how weird and scary this is to you, feeling things you've probably never felt before, but we'll deal with them, okay? I promise we'll just give it a few days, if we still feel the same towards each other we can go on a date, nothing big. Just, I don't k now treat each other not as friends but rather as - a crush I guess? And we'll see where that leads us to yeah?"

Enid offers. Wednesday nods slowly, holding the girl tighter.

"when did your strings attach?"

Wednesday asks quietly.

"When I was reading to you"

Enid says truthfully.

"You need to get back to sleep now, and I need to get ready"

Wenclair/Jemma one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now