3 seconds - Jemma

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"The body guard I requested had to leave urgently due to personal reasons so a trainee is joining us. I already have a back up if I don't like him. You'll be surrounded by people you know, it is the only reason I'm giving him this opportunity"

Emma says as she drives the black range rover, one hand on the steering wheel and the other on the gear shifter. Jenna nods silently.

"You're upset"

Emma doesn't pose the sentence as a question but rather as a statement. A fact.

Jenna shrugs her shoulders not bothering to answer. A few seconds pass as Emma takes a left turn.

"Is it because of earlier?"

Emma asks gently, Jenna lets out a huff before responding

"No, I'm just not feeling okay. And I hate this stupid fucking skirt they made me wear. It's so fucking short I might as well go in there naked"

Jenna says pulling down the skirt aggressively.

"It is quite revealing-"

"I know! As if I'm not getting sexualized as it is"

Jenna crosses her arms slamming her body against the seat in anger. Emma offers an apology as the car falls silent again.

"What did the wink mean?"

Jenna asks quietly after a few. Emma rolls her eyes to the back of her head looking at Jenna in disbelief

"Do you actually not know how to read in between the lines?!"

Jenna shrugs her shoulders before replying

"I do. But I wouldn't mind some clarification"

Jenna says quietly, her cheeks reddening. Emma takes a deep breath, her eyes never leaving the road

"Yes. The wink meant yes. If there were no conditions restarining us from forming a romantic relationship I would jump at the opportunity head first. WHO WOULDN'T? You're such a kind soul I'd be stupid to miss out on a chance like that. So yes. I would risk everything. IF there were no consequences, which isn't the case. But I have 3 college tuitions of my siblings I'm helping pay with my wage so I'm sorry if it comes off as rude but the way things are- It's not worth it."

Emma explains, her free hand in the air to emphasize her point. Jenna looks at her, slightly hurt.

"And by it, you mean me."
She lets out barely above a whisper. Emma shoots her a quick glance before returning her eyes to the road

"By it, I mean losing my job and ruining my career. Not you. You're worth it but you do understand that it would be a selfish move from my side. I can help them study and become something, someone! The youngest wants to be an actress like you, she's losing her shit at the fact I'm working for you. I want to support her as best as I can"

Jenna seems to relax at the reassurance and nods quietly.

"I understand. I wish you had told me about your financial responsibilities. I'll talk to my team and give you a raise"

"No thank you. I don't deserve a raise. And I don't want your money simply cause you pity me"

Emma says almost defensively. Jenna turns her whole body to look at Emma, surprised at the reply

"I am not pitying you. I know how much I pay you and I know you can live very comfortably off that wage. You know how I feel about education. This isn't about you."

Jenna counters

"I don't need charity Jenna"

"Oh my god I didn't say you do?! And if you wanna talk about deserving a better pay your wage is almost the same as the one before you who had WAY LESS responsibilities towards me then you do. You're either accepting the offer or I'll contact your mother and send it directly to her"

Wenclair/Jemma one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now