I'm Down Bad for You - part 4

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Hiii i feel like i should add another trigger warning heree. Uhmmmm this moght be weird for some? Idk i find it hot sooo but not everyone is into the same stuff so uhm read at ur own risk? Enid is getting leashed in the next chapter👀 and this uhm- stomach, cum, u get it right?


Enid's fingers work swiftly through the buttons and in a matter of seconds Wednesday is laying on her back, her white shirt wide open and her black sports bra being pulled downwards, exposing her chest. Enid's eyes lock with her own for a split second before the blonde girl lowers herself and licks Wednesday's tight nipple. The smaller girl takes a deep breath in, her eyes fixating on the movie being projected opposite her. Enid's lips wrap around her nipple as she starts sucking on it gently, her other hand stroking Wednesday's dick slowly

"Do you like that?"

Enid asks after a few seconds, she kisses Wednesday's jawline, smiling feeling her nodding her head. Wednesday's hand wraps around the nape of Enid's neck as she pushes the girl down once more, Enid takes the indication and licks along Wednesday's skin slowly before sucking harshly on her chest.
Enid's hand picks up pace as she strokes Wednesday's cock, noticing the way Wednesday's chest heaves as she tries to control her breathing, Enid is only encouraged further.
She wants to see the girl unravel at her hands.
Enid's hand squeezes slightly as she pleases the other girl, applying slightly more pressure eliciting a low  grunt from Wednesday whose eyes are still fixed on the movie, although she looks like she's not paying attention to it. Enid fixes her position so her free hand is holding her up as she looks down on Wednesday.

"What are you thinking about?"

She says after dropping her lips next to Wednesday's ear, her hand rubbing the tip of Wednesday's cock sensually.

Wednesday doesn't respond and simply closes her eyes and takes in a deep breath, Enid hums at the lack of response before kissing the girl's ear lobe and whispering again

"Are you thinking of fucking me?"

Enid says slowly, her eyes fixed on Wednesday as she sees the girl's reaction to her question, the way her hand tightens it's grip around her neck, how her lower body starts thrusting slowly to Enid's rhythm, how her eyes close again and her bottom lip is bit down between her teeth.
Enid smiles mischievously

"Are you thinking of me on my knees for you?"
Enid speaks slowly on purpose. Wednesday huffs slightly her hand travelling to Enid's lower back, before it rests on the girl's ass

"Or maybe you're thinking of my legs wrapped around your waist while you fuck me senselessly?"
Enid continues to ask, holding back a scoff seeing how it was sending Wednesday over the edge.

"Are you thinking of me cumming all over your cock while I ride you?"

Wednesday's grip tightens over the girl's ass, her hips thrusting at a quicker pace, Enid keeps a steady pace using her hand, as she leaves random sloppy kisses on the other's  neck in-between sentences.

The blonde girl let's a low moan escape her lips on purpose.

"Fuck I can't wait to have you inside me -"
She says in a whisper

"To have you fill my pussy with your cock"

The girl continues increasing her pace.

"I want to feel your warm cum all over me"

Enid lets out in a whisper as she leans close to Wednesday's ear, her leg going over one of Wednesday's own as she grinds her core against the girl's thigh letting a moan escape her lips on purpose. Wednesday swears under her breath as her hand massages Enid gently, her fingers finding the girls' centre after a few seconds. Wednesday closes her eyes, her head falling against the headboard as her middle and ring finger slowly teased Enid's entrance

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