You Smell Really Good - Wenclair Part 2

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also - cuccioletta is puppy in Italian but for like - females. IT'S CUTE TRUST ME

She did not think this through. Enid really did not think this through.

Enid paces back and forth across their dorm, her eyes glancing at the clock, less than two hours left, how will she survive this?

She tries to busy herself by reading a book, getting on her tiptoes to reach a thick book. Enid flinches as the door is flung open, the book slipping from her hands and landing on her face, busting her bottom lip open. She turns around in shock to find thing waving sweetly at her 

"My Gods thing what the fuck"

Enid curses bringing her index finger to her lip

"Sorry, just here to fetch Wednesday some things - You okay?"

He signs crawling closer to her, Enid looks at him sadly. Should she even tell him, his loyalty stands with Wednesday there's no way he'll keep quiet.

"Yeah, just- missing Weds. Trying to stay busy till she gets back"

She forces a smile, Thing shrugs her off assuming the wolf wasn't lying. After thing leaves she takes care of her bleeding lip and sits down on the floor, a few feet away from the door. For an hour Enid waits, small whimpers leaving her lips as she waited at the door, craving Wednesday's touch. 

Somewhere around eleven, the door is opened again, this time slowly and quietly. Wednesday steps in and closes it slowly behind her, she jolts slightly when she finds Enid sitting down on the floor when she turns around 

"What are you doing still up?"

Wednesday asks putting her keys, phone and a small notebook on her desk before approaching the taller girl who gets up from the floor

"I can't sleep I-"

Enid's sentence is stopped by Wednesday's thumb on her lips, The smaller girl's face only a few inches away from Enid's

"You're hurt, who hurt you? Was it the stalker? What did he do to you?"

Wednesday says  now cradling the other's face with her other hand while pulling down gently on Enid's bottom lip

"No, No. Just my clumsy self really, I dropped a book on my face"

Enid laughs nervously trying to ignore the warmth in the pit of her stomach

"Are you okay?"

Wednesday says stepping away from the other girl, Enid's lips let out a small whimper at the loss of touch

"Yeah, I'm fine I swear. I'm just gonna go get ready for bed okay?"

Enid says leaving a peck on the other's cheek before heading to the bathroom and shutting the door closed behind her, not allowing Wednesday a chance to reply.

Enid rests her hand against the sink, looking up to find her reflection in the mirror

"Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck"

Wenclair/Jemma one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now