My Fucking Eye Shape -Jemma

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Hello, Early chapter just cause I love you.

the Jemma short story was chosen most (by most I mean 2) by you my dears so here is your fluff!

Would you prefer if I gave you choices instead of just writing as I did in the last chapter? lmk, please?

Also, credit too uh... hold on let me find them-

Credit to vnsz_v for the story idea (I think I found the picture u were on about? I added it up there⬆️⬆️)

anygays this is my take on it? kinda -


Emma is currently in her small trailer while on set for her upcoming movie "A good girl's Guide to Murder" She holds a cup of coffee in one hand and the book in the other. She sits on the sofa and lets out a deep breath, opening the book where she had last left off, tabbing notes close to her as she analysed the character she was playing.
She brings the mug to her lips, her eyes closing peacefully as she takes in the coffee's scent. Her eyes shoot open seconds after when she hears 3 knocks on her door. She huffs rolling her eyes, putting the mug down.

"Come in!"

She says in her cheery voice. The door opens and a head peeks in. Emma smiles at first, her smile fading away slightly as she starts to process the situation

"Jenna! Wh-What are you doing here?"

Emma asks, Jenna slips inside the trailer, one hand holding a large bag filled with what appeared to be gifts, and her other hand holding a large bouquet of flowers.

Jenna beams at her skipping her way to the sofa, placing a short kiss on Emma's lips before speaking

"I had a day off so uhm- these are for you-"

She says passing her the flowers and putting the bag down next to her, before taking a seat next to the taller girl. Emma thanks her politely, leaving a kiss on the other's cheek

"I just wanted to come say hi and uh- that I miss you"

Jenna says slapping her thighs nervously as she fixed her position.

"Baby- I miss you too"

Emma says pulling Jenna closer to her

"Did anyone see you? Coming in here?"

Emma asks her voice low, Jenna pulls away from her

"No, I don't know. I don't think so? I didn't really pay attention I was excited to see you"

Jenna said as she distanced herself from Emma, she plays with her nails nervously her eyes boring holes into the sofa.


"Yeah, I know. I'll leave. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have come. Uhm break a leg or- whatever"

Jenna says as she gets up her eyes starting to sting a bit, she uses her index finger to gently wipe under her eyes making sure she doesn't ruin her make-up

"Jenna- Don't do that, sit down"

Emma says grabbing the girl's hand gently

"No, you're right. It was a mistake I shouldn't have come"

Wenclair/Jemma one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now