kinaesthetic learner - Wenclair Part 1

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This story was suggested by one of the readers Age_theG This is my own twist on it? I hope it lives up to your expectations:)
Caution - do not have huge hopes idt it's gonna turn out good i apologize beforehand.
It will have 2 parts, the first part is fluff, second part is smut:)

Wednesday sat at her writing desk, her arms crossed angrily as she stared at her typewriter, her eyebrows furrowed in frustration. Enid comes out of the bathroom, her face red due to the scorching shower she had just taken. She notices the smaller girl sitting at her desk, next to her was an overflowing dustbin with nothing but yellowish crumbled paper

"Woah, that's like 5 trees in a bin Willa, Can't write?"

Enid says a small smirk on her face, Wednesday huffs

"Shut your mouth, mutt"

She says through gritted teeth, Enid gasps playfully

"Fuck why are you always so mean to me? What's up? maybe I can help you"

Enid says taking a seat on Wednesday's bed, ignoring the girl's glare as she did 

"This is all your fault"

Wednesday says turning her chair so she was now facing Enid

"Excuse me?"

Enid says placing a hand on her chest

"You told me my book was missing a romantic element that would keep my readers hooked. And I listened to you."

Wednesday rants, once more crossing her arms.

"Yes, and you agreed with me that it was a good idea. Because it is, the more genres you have in your book the bigger your target audience will be"

Enid says nodding her head slowly. Wednesday takes in a deep breath

"Yes well now the relationship has escalated and if I do not write about the characters being intimate it will be simply unsatisfactory"

Wednesday says, her legs bouncing up and down slightly, Enid notices the girl's nervousness and her smile fades, She knew when Wednesday was feeling overwhelmed. She places a hand gently on her moving leg but doesn't force her to stop the movement

"Hey, It's fine. Just write it, it'll be great!"

She says her voice gentle, Wednesday shakes her head

"No Enid. I cannot"

"Why not?"

"Because- I don't have enough information regarding such things"

Wednesday says getting up from her chair and now pacing in front of her bed. Enid takes off her shoes and now sits Indian style on the other girl's bed

"You don't need much information, just write the obvious things. The thing goes into the other thing, it feels good, doesn't last long and the woman is never pleased"

Enid says shrugging her shoulders.

"That would be absurd Enid. My writing has depth. My writing has emotion. My writing has detail! It would simply not make sense. And Viper's partner is not a man. A powerful woman like her deserves nothing but another powerful woman."

Wednesday says her voice flat, Yet Enid could still detect a sign of nervousness.

"Okay! okay! It's even easier then Willa. Sex with a woman is like when you do it to yourself it's just someone else is doing it for you! well at least the basics but even other things they all follow the same principles. And it's actually enjoyable! You're a woman yourself it's easy!"

Wenclair/Jemma one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now