Stalked - Wenclair part 2

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Dog 🐶: hey yoks, WYA?

Yolks 🍳: ay I got held up by Mr Ferreira, gonna miss Dinmer tonight, he says I need to get some extra credits if I want to pass his unit😑

Dog 🐶: awh that's shit I'm sorry :// have u seen Weds by any chance? She left couple of hours ago but she's usually back by now

Dog 🐶: we argued and idk something feels off

Yolks 🍳: you're probably just guilty cause u fought, she's probably tucked away in a library corner being a geek lmao

Dog 🐶: don't call her that:( she's genuinely so smart

Yolks 🍳: I bet she is 🤗

Enid rolls her eyes, locking her phone and not bothering to reply to Yoko. Wednesday had left at around 5 after their argument, Enid had no idea where the girl could've gone but something felt heavy on Enid's chest, something was wrong.

Enid: Weds, where are you? I'm sorry we argued can you come back here and we can talk?

Enid: I'll take a look at the notes you gave me after dinner I promise.

Enid: let me know ur ok please:((

Enid clears her food tray away and heads back to the her dorm.
She paces for hours, Wednesday doesn't return.

"Why would she do this? She knows I worry why be so fucking stubborn"

Enid says to Thing who taps his fingers impatiently

"What if this isn't her being stubborn, what if it's her stalker again?"

Thing signs frantically

"Not you too-"

"No, I'm not saying Yoko, whoever it is, what if this is them, Wednesday never skips her writing time this is not her"

Thing continues pointing at the digital clock on Wednesday's nightstand. 9.07PM flashing in red.

At 10 O'clock the door to their dorm swings open, and in comes a bloodied Wednesday, her clothes covered in mud, she stomps her way towards Enid who couldn't get to sleep and was now standing in the middle of their room.

Wednesday hates touch but oh just then she could've strangled the girl. Her finger jabs into the other's chest making Enid's breath catch.

"Tell your bat to not bring a gun to a sword fight. She will still lose"

Wednesday's eyes glowed under the moonlight. Enid shakes her head no

"What are you on about what happened?"

Enid asks panic starting to set in

"Your idiotic friend attempted to kidnap me, very poorly."

"Your stalker attacked you?"

Thing signs. Enid is already in the bathroom taking the first aid kit out of their cupboard and hurrying back to Wednesday, switching on the lights to their dorm on her way back.

"Sit down"

Enid says gently, putting the first aid box on the girl's desk

"I did not ask for your help, I can take care of myself just fine"

"Sit the fuck down Wednesday. Now"

Enid says her patience wearing thin, Wednesday stares at her for a second before obeying, shocked by the girl's tone.

"Are you hurt?"

She asks looking all over the girl's body trying to identify any bleeding.

Wednesday doesn't reply, she simply stares straight ahead, a meancing look in her eyes

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