Stalked - Part 4 Wenclair

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this takes a really fucking dark turn ??? it was not planned but to be fair I just finished watching yellowjackets lmao (how good looking is courtney eaton?? ms lottie baby ugh!)

soooo trigger warning: uhm idek what to call it - graphical? so sorry


"I'm not gonna let you hurt her again Yoko"

Enid says her voice quivering with anger. Yoko scoffs loudly

"I knew you would try to, why do you think I made sure it's not a full moon? Why do you think you're in a location with no windows and now access to moonlight Enid?"

This time it's Enid who laughs. And she laughs, because it's all she can do to hold herself back from killing the girl in front of her, but she wouldn't give in that easily. No, Yoko doesn't deserve a quick death, not after what she's done.


"is there anything you'd like to share, E?"

Yoko says, her voice dipped in venom, looking angrily at the girl in front of her who was full on laughing, her head lolled back, a wide smile plastered on her face. Wednesday is now laying on her side, her vision blurred, dry blood across her eyelids making it even harder to keep her eyes open. She winces at a sudden pain, starting from her temple and spreading across her forehead. She breathes heavily and fights the temptation to close her eyes for a few seconds, lay her head on the ground.

Enid doesn't take another step towards the two of them, she doesn't look at Wednesday, knowing it will be her downfall if she does 

"Yeah, I do actually have something to say Yolks, May I?"

Enid says offering her a forced smile, Yoko bows her head, gesturing for the girl to proceed.

"Remember when I told you to sign up for the lycanthropy unit? cause I didn't know anyone and it was so boring? you never did, quite shitty of you by the way"

Enid says  pointing an accusing finger towards Yoko who simply shrugs her shoulder

"I'm not a wolf why would I?"

"for support, but anyways. that's not the point here. Last week, we started a new topic. The history of Lycans, sounds intriguing right? I didn't think so to be honest, like, they're extinct anyways so what's the point?"

Enid says now pacing up and down slowly as she talked. she stops, back towards the two and turns on her heels, her eyes piercingly blue, glaring at Yoko

"only they're not. only a few left really, you could count them on your hands. So then we dived into the differences between a werewolf and a Lycan-"

"is this really what you want to say right before you're precious raven is killed?"

Yoko says looking annoyed, Enid ignores her and carries on

"did you know Lycans tend to be bigger in form, stronger, faster. they're also a fuck lot smarter than werewolves. The more you know am I right?"

Enid chuckles, her tone light. Yoko looks at her puzzled, not quite understanding where this is going, Wednesday makes a poor effort to turn on her back causing more pain. she grunts as her head hits the wall behind her, her eyes almost closed. only able to form blurred shapes of everything around her.

"You know-" Enid says her voice higher "A werewolf NEEDS the full moon in order to transform" - she says taking a step towards Yoko, her tone still cheery, a smile still visible on her face

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