ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔗𝔴𝔬

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Everyone on the ground looked up as all the dragons present there flew up as well to meet the three young ones that were leaving their home.

"We'll miss you!" "Don't forget us!" "Remember us!"

Allara only let the tears fall down her cheeks once she could no longer clearly distinguish her family's forms from up in the sky.

"Worry not Allara. we will come back once again" Embar told her through a soft screech as the she dragon flew steadily by her and Drogos.

"I know Embar, I know" the woman patted the dragon's snout as she got closer.

"Don't get so close" Drogos hissed at his sister, making Allara laugh.

With the two of them she would at least not be alone.


Allara and her two dragon travelling partners were just making their way through the ocean without truly knowing where they were heading, but that was half the fun. Drogos continued pumping his wings at a steady beat while his sister kept trying to pester him to let Allara get on her back instead.

Drogos looked up to the horizon in the direction in which they were going only to see dark clouds advancing upon them quickly. He wasn't too worried since they had been in plenty of hard storms before.

So it was a surprise and shock when, as Embar flipped over her brother so Allara could pet her head, a sudden gust of wind so strong hit Drogos who, despite his hulking size, got caught by surprise from the strength of the gust and flipped over hitting his sister with the tip of his wing making her stumble in the air as well and Allara scream as the fell.

Drogos regained his wings only to then have to dodge a strike of lightning that fell far too close for their liking.

"Brother, we should find someplace to land" his sister said to him.

"Do you see anywhere we could actually land?" he asked his sister as they continued to fly faster and faster over the large mass of unending salt water under them.

"No I..."

"That was what is called a rhetorical question sister" he snapped back at her.

"Oh and you..."

"That is enough of that from you two!" Allara shouted as she held onto Drogos' spike tighter.

"But she..." Drogos got cut off when a final strike of lightning hit him and Embar.

The two dragons recoiled while their bodies tensed from the shock.

"ALLARA!" Drogos and Embar screamed in unison as the young woman blacked out before the same thing happened to them, which caught the two dragons by surprise as the shock hadn't been to big.

The two siblings then fell limply into the water, Allara still hanging onto Drogos despite having been knocked out.


"Are we almost there" the blue dragon huffed out.

"We're almost there don't you worry" her rider petted the she dragon's neck "We just need to deliver this egg to the queen and wait to see if a rider comes forth"

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