ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔗𝔥𝔦𝔯𝔱𝔶

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'...Suddenly, a pair of glowing black eyes appear in the darkness, accompanied by a low hiss. It's a hooded strangely shaped creature with gangly legs and a dark hood to cover the rest of its misformed body. A black claw pulled back the hood to reveal its black scales glistening under the moonlight and a huge bald head. Where its face was supposed to be was a strange beak-like mouth which opened when it hissed to revel a purple tongue, and its sharp claws tapped against the ground as it approaches you, emitting an eerie, raspy sound making Allara nervous.

It was a Ra'zac.There was no mistaking the disgusting appearance of the creature.

Despite herself, her heart raced with fear as the Ra'zac circled her, studying her with its menacing gaze. She tried to run, but her feet feel heavy, as if rooted to the spot.

As the Ra'zac draws closer, Allara's eye caught the glimpse of the moon reflecting off of a dark metal surface. here at her feet lay Ânogar. With a quick move, Allara picked the Valyrian steel sword from the floor and avoided a swipe of the large claws at the same time.

With a short shout she swung the blade in an arc upward and just as it was about to make contact with its neck she felt herself shaking'


"Allara" Vanir would never admit how worried he really was when he had gone into the woman's room and found her writhing in her bed, sweat beggining to form on her forehead.

Allara woke up with a loud intake of air and her body lurched forward over the side of the cot's side. Vanir smelt it before he heard it, as Allara heaved and retched all over the creaky wooden floors. The elf restricted himself to patting her back and rubbing slow circles over it awkwardly, the other hand holding her pale hair back to keep it from getting dirty.

Once she was done, he watched her carefuly wipe her mouth with a handkerchief he offered her and helped her sit up straight, only then noticing how pale she was.

"Allara! Vanir! Let's go!" he heard the witch shout.

He opened his mouth to tell her what had happened but Allara shook her head as she took in deep breaths and calmed herself down.


Allara kept holding onto Vanir's forearms until the violent waves of nausea doubled down and she could relax again.

"Thank you" she whispered to him.

"What was that?" he asked her.

"A nightmare" she tried to pass it off as just that but she knew the stories of 'dreamers' like her aunt Helaena, although this was far more specific "Or a premonition, I am not sure"

"What does that mean?" he demanded to know.

"Where I come from, there are people that share blood with the House of the Dragon that are seen every each generation called 'dreamers', as their dreams or nightmares are usually things that en dup occurring in the future"

"What did you dream Allara?" he continued to ask her.

"Hey, are you coming?" they were interrupted as Angela barged into the room "What's wrong?"

"Nothing" Allara shook the elf off and grabbed the travelling bag from the corner she had left it in.


"Good job kid" Drogos told the baby white dragon after he had come back with a rather large firefly in between his chomps.

"Someone is coming" Embar alerted them "Agaravel"

The Eldunarí chanted out a spell that turned them invisible like the one from the first time in Elésmera and they remained still as statues when a group of rather dirty smelling two legs wound up near their hiding place.

"Are you sure it came this way?" one asked the man in front.

"Look..." the man in front said something too quickly for Drogos and Embar to understand, but they too looked down to see the muddy footprints Umaroth had left on the fresh dirt "...hunt it down and take it to the master"

"Better to kill it in its spot" another said making the rest of the small group cheer in agreement.

A sudden anger filled the two dragons at that and Embar asked Agaravel to lower the spell.


The men suddenly turned stone still as the blood in their bodies turned icy cold at the sight of the large dragons that appeared before them. Faster than they could shout they were bathed in a green and bright blue fire so hot that even their clothes turned to dust on the spot.

Drogos and Embar snapped their jaws shut once more and huffed out a plume of dark smoke out their nostrils.

"Do you think anyone saw?" the male asked his sister.

"No, we are too far for anyone to have seen it" Agaravel answered for her, not entirely sure of her statement.


From the city some people saw the dark smoke coming from the other bank of the lake but disregarded it as a group of campers with a fire. But the group of three people now exiting the city knew better. With a look between themselves they walked faster to where the dragons were.

They found their way quickly and easily to where the dragons were supposed to be only to find a few scorched corpses the color black and three sheepish looking dragons.

"What happened here?" Allara asked her two dragons.

"We were just here and these two legs came up to us following Umaroth..." Drogos began.

"...And they said some things about killing him. So, we, sort of, torched them" Embar said, lowering her face down and pushing the white dragon below her.

Allara looked away from Umaroth when he did a sort of 'puppy face' and let Vanir take the dragon into his arms.

"Ilon've ȳdragotan bē bisa Drogos. Embar" (We've talked about this Drogos. Embar) "Let's just go"

Angela, Vanir and Allara got back onto the dragons and waited for the two of them to fly back on course.

"Allara, I was wondering if you could...show me some of your language. Valyrian was it?" Allara felt glad that the elf was getting comfortable enough with her to consider her his kind of friend.

"Of course Vanir" she said as they flew through the clouds.

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