ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔗𝔴𝔢𝔫𝔱𝔶 𝔖𝔦𝔵

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"I am Roran" the younger man said.

"Oh, yes I think I know you. Eragon has spoken quite a bit about you" Allara said as she tried to keep a polite smile on her lips.

She tensed when she noticed the man's hand tighten on the hilt of his weapon and her own hand went behind her back where she knew Vanir was holding onto her sword 'for her'. The fact that she didn't feel her sword back in her hand made her fume.

While the man named Jörmundur calmed the other one down, the shorter male took it as an opportunity to introduce himself.

"I am Rimmar" he had a voice as rough as the skin on his hands, Allara noted as she took his offered hand.

"And I am Angela and this is Solembum. It is very nice to meet you" the woman said, shaking Allara's hand quickly "Now let's get on with it shall we?"

Arya led them all to a round table and sat her two 'apprentices' at either side of her while the others plopped down on the others around.

"Well then, let us start" Arya said as she placed her hands on the table laced together.

So, to save up your time and my own I'm going to pass the whole time they spent discussing their territories to go straight to the last part of the conversation.

Allara had zoned out after the first few minutes of them conversing about their territories of which she still had no knowledge and had started to play with the hem of the wool shirt she had worn for the training that morning.

"...it is true that there have been several sightings of the Ra'zac but we have not been entirely able to prove it" Jörmundur said in a grave voice, bringing the young woman's attention back to him "But we have received the news that lords that had supported Galbatorix in the previous war have begun to hold 'secret meetings' without announcing them to the queen before hand"

"Your highness" Rimmar spoke up for the first time in the entire conversation "What we mean to say is, could you send your Rider to inspect the land?"

"I believe you all know that our new dragon Rider Vanir's dragon egg has hatched less than a month ago. There is no possible way for the dragon to fight alongside him much less carry him in that trip to the capital"

There was a silence and Allara yawned, her dark eyes caught the queen's own who raised one of her perfect dark eyebrows at her. She turned her gaze to Vanir as she covered her mouth who was giving her the same look.

"Allara, this is the chance you wanted to travel, is it not?" the queen's voice sounded in her mind as Allara let it in.

She had also been training her mind to resist attacks of such a sort and the combined strength of her and her two dragons was great enough to even keep the elven queen out if they wished, but only if they concentrated.

To answer the question Allara lowered her head in a half nod.

"Then take it" the queen's presence vanished form her mind and Allara jumped to a standing position from her seat taking the strangers by surprise.

"What if I accompany him my queen?" Arya nodded far too quickly for Angela's liking and Allara could see from the look in her eyes she was curious as to why the queen would allow a human such as herself to join the Rider.

"And how do you suppose you could help him lady Stark" the woman asked.

Allara let a smirk present itself on her face and she turned to the queen for permission.


The woman named Allara had walked outside the palace making all the rest of them follow behind her with a few grumbles from the younger man and the dwarf. After she had brought out a strangely shaped whistle from around her neck and blown into it she turned to the group gathered behind her as well as the rest of the elves who were waiting with them.

"Forgive me for asking my lady, but what are we waiting for?" Jörmundur asked her.

"Please, I insist you drop my title, I am no lady, here at least" Allara told the man "And to answer your question, we are waiting for my solution to the travelling problem"

"And that is?" Roran trailed off as a deafening roar sounded across the forest, making several birds in the trees fly off.


Drogos and Embar were enjoying a pair of rightly fat wild cattle they had caught along with Firnen and Umaroth when their heads snapped up.

"What is that noise?" the green dragon asked.

"That is Allara calling for us. Come on sis" Drogos lifted his wings and darted into the air.

Embar waited for the baby white dragon, who was growing quickly and after only a few days he was now the size of a large dog, to clamber back onto her back so she could take him with them.

"You were able to hear that Firnen?" Embar asked the green dragon who also rose with them to the sky.

"I did. What was it?" he asked her as Drogos decided to take the lead.

"The people of Old Valyria managed a substance named Dragonglass and melded it into whistles in the form of dragons in such a way that it can strangely only be heard by dragons. I wasn't sure if your kind could but I guess you can" Embar explained as she drifted upwards.


The group that had come from their respective lands tilted their heads and looked up. Allara had to bite her lip to keep herself from smirking when even the woman, who looked like she had seen many things during her life, jumped back a bit when they caught a glance of the huge black and red dragon descending upon them and behind him another unknown dragon with bluish tones and pinkish undertones. The familiar green one following behind as well.

Drogos and Embar landed heavily and Allara walked closer to them, helping Umaroth down from the she dragon with a grunt as the dog sized dragon pup threw his weight on her to get down on her arms.

"What is this?" Roran asked as he and the other two males leaned away from the massive beasts.

"Ser Jörmundur, Ser Roran, Ser Rimmar and Lady Angela" Allara received a hiss from the cat boy "These are Drogos and Embar. Drogos, Embar; these are the representatives of the queen Arya told us about...and others"

The group who found the two dragons to be unknown leaned a bit away as the two of Allara's companions showed their teeth in what they thought to be a polite smile.

"So, you are a Rider as well?" Jörmundur asked Allara as he kept his hand on the pommel of his sword despite the dragons not making any aggressive attempts at them.

"Not exactly" Arya took it upon herself to be the one to explain the situation to them without compromising Allara's past.

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