ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔗𝔴𝔢𝔩𝔳𝔢

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"But you are still dragon and a rider. And only you can speak with them. And...do you have magic?" he asked her.

"Mostly healing" Allara said.

She had only ever learned how to heal and give energy from her mother. And although Glaedr had tried teaching her different magic spells she could only do small ones. But they had found she was very talented with medicinal ones. And she explained all that to Eragon.

"You are more like us than you say you aren't" the man told her "So yes, we hope you join us some day"

Allara felt honoured. She hadn't known Eragon for more than a day and he already trusted her. Though her mother had told her and Jonnel that their family had that kind of effect on others.

"The I will wait for the day I am welcomed" Allara shook his hand awkwardly while she tried holding up the stone with the stone in her arms.


Allara and Eragon shared their dinner after he had explained to her the riders' vegetarian ways while he ate fruits for dinner. He had acted a bit visibly disgusted or at least stranged when he saw Allara eating the roasted giant snail Embar had hunted for her.

Drogos and Embar themselves were eating the very same snails raw as well as Saphira. It didn't take much time for Allara to recollect the few bags she had broguht along with her.

Before they prepared themselves to leave Eragon taught Allara more or less how to greet the elves so she would have the chance to be welcomed more easily.

Saphira and Eragon waited as Allara latched her remaining armour on and then pulled a metal helmet similar to the one her mother had designed.

"Here, if you come across empress Nasuada or queen Arya show them this" Eragon handed her a letter written in weird letters "They'll grant you access as long as they know you have my word"

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"Here, if you come across empress Nasuada or queen Arya show them this" Eragon handed her a letter written in weird letters "They'll grant you access as long as they know you have my word"

"Thank you" Allara took it thankfully.

"No Byka" Embar was pushing the baby dragon away from herself with the tip of her wing.

The baby dragon sniffled and huffed as it continued to try and walk past the she dragon's wing to get to her back.

"Byka darling leave Embar alone" Allara grabbed the struggling baby dragon to pull him away from Embar.

"Byka? You named her?" Eragon asked her.

"Only for the mean time before he chooses his own like Glaedr said he will. It means Little One in our language" Allara explained as she climbed up onto the she dragon's back "Bye bye Byka"

"Bye kid" the siblings chorused as they raised their wings and rose into the sky.


Eragon looked up at the skies as he and Saphira watched the two dragons leave.

"I don't like the female" Saphira said with a snarl.

Eragon suppressed a snicker at her reaction to the other she dragon. Having seen the helmet Allara had put on reminded Eragon of his older brother Murtagh whom had gone away after the war when he was seen as a traitor and enemy. He wanted to contact him to see if he could come back to Alagaësia.


Allara got comfortable on the dragon's back. Eragon had told them that the trip to Du Weldenvarden would take about four to five days but Embar and Drogos were very fast fliers thanks to their mother's blood, which was the very same reason why Embar was considered the fastest dragon in the Seven Kingdoms like her mother.

The time passed by quickly as Agaravel fed them both energy from her own reserves. The first few moments of her doing so had startled the younger dragons but they soon got used to it and felt more than refreshed when they did so. That was how they had managed to make the trip without stopping, although Allara had to eat on Embar's back as they flew.

They passed over several small towns having to fly high so that the clouds could keep them from being seen.

ф Four Days Later


Gilderien the Wise waited in the shadows of Ellesmera guarding the hidden city of Du Weldenvarden. Soon a shadow in the sky appeared in the horizon with another following close behind. The presence was strange so as the Guardian of the forest he warned the queen and her dragon as he himself got ready to receive the newcomers.

Arya was startled out of a meeting she was having when she felt the guardian of their home prod her mind. She opened her defences and called Firnen once she received the news.


Allara adjusted herself a bit on her seat on Embar as her ass was getting tired of having to sit down on the hard scales of the dragon.

"Stop moving up there" Embar growled out.

"Do not fight young ones" Agaravel said in a strict tone "Look, land right before the tree line"

The two dragons did so, as soon as they lightly landed on the green grass a figure wreathed in white clothes appeared to suddenly blend out of the trees with a sword attached to his hip.

He had long white hair, a fair complexion and pointed ears.

"He must be one of the elves Glaedr told us about" Drogos said as he crouched down, his stare still stuck on the stranger.

"State your name and intentions" Allara winced as a placid voice forced itself into her mind.

I know I'm doing a lot of reminders but if it's only in cursive they are speaking in their minds in English.

"I...I am Allara Stark. These are Drogos and Embar" she said as she slid down Embar's side "Eragon Broom...Bronson asked me to show you this when I presented myself"

She showed him the paper Eragon had written out for her. He barely even looked at it and simply smiled at Allara as he moved aside and disappeared back into the trees.

"That was more than strange" Embar huffed out.

The two dragons followed behind Allara as the woman tried to find her way through the thick forest trees.

"Do you even know where your going?" Drogos hissed.

They were all three of them tired and hungry even with the energy Agaravel had tried relinquishing to them.

"Why don't we ask Agaravel?" Embar asked them, tired of their arguing.

"I doubt she knows where..." Allara begun.

"Of course I know where we have to go" Agaravel cut her off.

"What?!" "What?!" "What?!" the three of them protested as the dragon in the Eldunarí begun to glow and lead the way through the forest.

"You didn't ask earlier. This way" the she dragon said mockingly.

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