ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔗𝔥𝔦𝔯𝔱𝔶 𝔉𝔦𝔳𝔢

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The lady of Winterfell had been like that since she discovered she was with another child a week after her daughter left and she already felt murderous about her cravings being taken. She felt an ich coming up to her nose and making her sneeze.

"Someone must be talking about me" she thought out loud before going in search of her husband who was hiding under his desk, the remains of his wife's summer fruit still staining his mouth.


Thorn was making his way to Vroengard for the very first time in his short life after the message Murtagh had received from Eragon had told him to go there to discuss something of great importance.

"What did the letter say?" he asked his Rider.

"Eragon didn't mention anything specifically but his letter sounded serious. And we are to far from the main land for me to be able to scry him, especially with the amount of wards I am sure he has around the place where they have the eggs and Eldunarí. So we must go to him"

And like so the ruby red dragon sped up.


"That is impressive" Angela took Allara's arm as well as she could from over her own horse to check for any signs of the wound that might have been there "No chant or audible spell. And I felt the energy in the air leaving you as the wound healed. Forgive me but when Arya told me of your 'incredible gift'..." she quoted her fingers "I thought she was just exaggerating. But it is a useful way of using magic. How do you do it"

"As I have said many times it comes in my blood" Allara said as she withdrew her arm from the other woman's hold since she was beginning to get uncomfortable with it.

"Mhhm" the woman hummed.

"Don't let her experiment with you kid" Allara and the other two jumped in the saddles when Solembum jumped down from a branch above them and onto Angela's horse's rump, spooking the animal slightly and making the witch have to tug the reins back "Why were you three startled? I was with you in Bullridge"

The cat continued to complain that he had not been paid attention to as they roed the horses through the path that crossed across forest.


Once more the day was ending and they had a bit of a way to go so Allara asked Vanir to make sure Drogos, Embar, Agaravel and Umaroth were okay as she had not still mastered the whole mind communication fully.

The dragons had settled a bit further onward than they were in a cave on a mountain they had found on their way.

"They say they will wait there for us there" the elf communicated to the two women.

"Great, more camping" Allara sighed as they stopped the horses.

She hopped off, stumbling but straightening herself when a pair of sturdy hands held her waist. She turned around just in time to see Vanir pivot to take his saddle off of the horse, although Allara had originally thought he would have ridden the animal bare back.

She did the same and the three saddles were placed on a branch thick enough o hold them.

"Allara can I see your sword?" Angela asked her.

What was with everyone wanting to see her blade. Nervertheless she relented and took her sword out of its sheath. They had left Ellesméra took quickly for Rhunön to be able to change out the weapon's cover so the dark leather holder was littered with numerous gashes.


The four dragon indeed found themselves in a roomy cave. The turquoise she dragon had been the one to make sure the cave was safe to use, managing to scare a large goat the size of a small horse when she bit into it, killing it by snapping its spine with a shake of her head.

"Dinner" she sang out.

Drogos lumbered inside after the bounding white dragon who nearly jumped into the hole Embar had made in the large animal.

The three dragons gorged themselves as much as they could, thought the two larger ones were not quite as filled as the smaller one, and then the two older ones showed the younger one how they warmed their sleeping places by torching the rock.

Little Umaroth, who was beginning to hit his growth spurt, stared with large eyes at the bright green fire that came out of Drogos' maw and then the pale blue one from Embar. He himself tried to breath fire out but found himself unable to. He sat back on his haunches until Embar agreed to warm his place up.

Not that that did much since he ended up snaking his way closer to the she dragon throughout the night until he was under her wing, comfortably tucked against her warm side.


"...peep-peep. And he couldn't get rid of it for quite some time" Angela cackled as she finished telling her story of why there was such animosity between her and the werecat king Grimr Halfpaw to this day.

Allara nearly spit out the piece of elvish bread she had been chewing on as she heard the story. She had spent the night listening to tales from Angela and was quite surprised to learn she was considered old even by elf standards, which meant she was older than even the queen Arya.

"What about you kid. Got any interesting stories?" the witch asked her.

"Not of my own to rival yours, but maybe I could tell you how my mother helped win the war on a beast bigger than Drogos" she said excitedly, she always loved telling her mother's story from during the war.

"Your mother also has a dragon?"

"A massive one. The people used to call him The Cannibal and now he is called Thanatos the Black Dread. Thanatos meaning God of Death in a tongue my mother knows" Allara continued as she placed down her now empty plate.

"Ooh, please do" Angela scooted closer to the fire to listen better and even Vanir left his dinner aside.

And so Allara begun from the beginning of what she remembered of her mother while the stars became brighter as the sky darkened above them.

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