ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔗𝔴𝔢𝔫𝔱𝔶

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Drogos turned tail and walked off with his sister as baby Umaroth continued to bite down on one of his back horns.

"Now come Lady Allara"

Arya reached a hand towards the young woman and led her to a very long table carved out of smooth rock. There was a red mantle on the table where several elven maids continued to come out and pile dishes of food like fruits and little tarts.

The rest of the table was being decorated by flower bouquets. Arya led Allara to one of the seats near the head of the table. Arya sat herself down at the head of the table on the largest wooden chair that was decorated by carvings of flowers and other swirly methods.

Vanir placed himself by Allara's side as other elves that looked of higher status sat in front of them close to the queen. The rest of the table filled out slowly over time as the last plates of food were slid onto the table.

"So, Allara, may I see it now?" Rhunön leaned her head out from behind Vanir as she tried to get a better look at the sword the human woman was wearing.

"Sure" Allara slipped her scabbard up from her side where she had left it leaning on the chair.

She handed it over to Rhunön who grabbed onto the hilt showing over the leather scabbard and slid the blade out. Allara heard Rhunön give the dark metal an appreciative look over as she flattened it on the table, her experienced hands roaming over it.

Allara saw a few of the noble elves give the blacksmith judging glances as she kept the weapon on the dinner table, her dish pushed aside to make room for it.

"It is a beautifully made blade, very nicely balanced" Rhunön commented "The metal it is made of seems strangely unfamiliar. What is it made off?"

"It's Valyrian steel. A metal only found in the lands of Old Valyria, but there are only a few dozen of those blades left made" Allara explained as she cut up a steamed tomato which tasted heavenly to her as she popped a piece into her mouth "It makes our blades lighter, stronger, harder, and sharper than even the best castle-forged steel. It's also incredibly resistant to flames, not excluding dragon flame"

"Impressive. And the craftmanship is very profesional as well" Rhunön admired the blade.

"Thank you" Allara said.

A silence reigned over the human woman and her side of the table. Allara took her chance to take one of the puff pastries she saw everyone take. She cut into it and tasted it, liking the taste of the mix of vegetable baked into it. Arya seemed to notice her appeal to the pastries and smiled at Allara with a shared look between the two.

"Lady Allara was it?" one of the elves asked Allara as they were all served a bit of each plate.

"Thank you" Allara thanked the elven maid that placed a few more tarts on her dish before she answered the elf's question "Yes I am. It is pleasure lord...?"

"I am lord Narí, lady Allara. I have met the rider Eragon and his companion Saphira when they first made their way here to Ellesmera from the Varden" the elf explained.

"The Varden?" Allara remembered Glaedr had mentioned such a group but the dragon had not told her of the place in more detail.

"It was a group, a place where humans, dwarves and other species lived together and joined to fight against the old king Galbatorix" Allara certainly recalled who Galbatorix was due to the contempt with which all the Eldunarí had spoken to her about him.

"Where are you from my lady, that you have not heard off the war going on in Alagaësia?" another asked. They were getting bolder and more used to her, probably curious of her origins and the two dragons she had arrived there with.

"Drogos, Embar and myself come from a continent called Westeros. I am not too sure where in your maps it would be since we did get kind of turned around in the storm that brought us here" Allara said as her hands took to cutting into another tart.

"Westeros you say? I cannot tell you myself that I have ever heard of a land like that" Rhunön joined in the conversation.

"Well I myself have also never heard of anyone knowing of..." she was cut off.

"Allara!" she winced when a familiar female voice sounded in her head "You forgot me in your room?!"

"I'm sorry" she responded back with her mind.

"Is that Agaravel?" the queen asked Allara making the others who were not paying attention earlier now turn their heads to the human sitting by the queen.

"Agaravel? The Eldunarí?" Vanir spoke up, also looking up from his plate "She has come with you?"

Allara nodded as a response to the two questions as she stuffed another piece of the delicious tarts in her mouth, trying to keep her cheeks from ballooning up from it since it could be considered rude.

"You have an interesting relationship with dragons it seems" Vanir said.

"I wonder the same. How is it you have come here accompanied by two dragons that also look quite different from the ones we know, may I add?" another lord asked.

"Where I am from, all dragons are like that. There is a certain bloodline of people who have held a sort of 'connection' as you call it lord, with dragons such as Drogos and Embar. We grow close to the dragons since our ancestors did some sort of blood-magic to join us" Allara clarified.

"Truly? How...interesting" Vanir said in almost audible contempt at the thought as he took a sip of the drink in his goblet.

Another silence surrounded Allara as the lords soon lost interest in her again. She reached forward to bring her own goblet closer to herself and smell its contents. It smelled of alcohol and she took a sip and then a proper drink from it. The drink burned slightly down her throat but it wasn't much compared to the drinks her mother had shared with her and her brother Jonnel on their coming of age name day.

"What is this?" she asked Vanir, who was spoken over by Rhunön.

"We call it moonshine" the elven woman told her as she too took a swig of the drink "Do you like it?"

"It's different from what I usually have" Allara shrugged her shoulders "Softer"

"Softer?" Rhunön laughed "I'd like to see the drinks you have back in your home land"

The remainder of the night Allara spent it listening to the elven lords recounting old tales from battles they had been to and fought in.

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