ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔉𝔬𝔯𝔱𝔶 𝔖𝔦𝔵

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The skin beneath his helmet was dark-grey and cracked and he charged at Drogos, stupidly. The Ra'zac took that chance to run and left the man alone who turned his head in its direction, making it easier for Drogos to clamp his jaws around the man.

"Don't kill him!" Allara told the dragon who stopped himself from actually snapping the man's neck in half "He might know what is going on here"


After the dragons had disappeared from the sky for a few minutes, they came back into the sky making Angela and the others look up.

"What are they carrying?" one of the men asked.

Vanir also looked up to see something dangling off of the black dragon's black claws as Allara and the dragons landed.

"I don't know what this is but we found it along with one of those beasts you call Ra'zac trying to sneak in through the border" Allara told them as she slid off of Embar.

Drogos kept his long dark claws over the male he was holding down as queen Nasuada, Vanir and the other royals, who had finally come out of their quarters, took of the helmet obscuring his face from them.

Drogos kept his long dark claws over the male he was holding down as queen Nasuada, Vanir and the other royals, who had finally come out of their quarters, took of the helmet obscuring his face from them

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The man har greyish skin like Allara had seen through his helmet and they would have thought that he was normal had it not been for the numerous cracks that made his skin look like aged stone. Or the pupilless eyes it sported reflecting a yellower color than was normal on human eyes. Its dark, nearly black (matching the shadows beneath its eyes), lips stretched into a taunting sneer. as its head was freed from the metal helm having them notice its bald head which looked like the hair that was supposed to be there had been pushed out of its skull, evidenced by the small, numerous holes on its scalp.

"What are you smiling at you rat?" king Orrin hissed at it mean while backing away.

"Angela!" the queen called for the witch who had arrived the day prior with the werecats "Do you know what this is?" she asked the older woman as they both knelt at a safe distance away from the so called human.

"How bizarre" Angela whispered to herself.

She pulled a knife out of Vanir's belt making the elf give her a brief offended glance, before she made a small cut on the beings cheek.

They all watched as blood far closer to black than red in color flowed out as thickly as tar. Angela tried to touch the strange blood coming out of the cut letting a few drops fall on her pale/dark skin.

"Angela!" Nasuada shouted urgently as the life liquid began to sizzle against the witch's skin "It burned you"

"The temperature of its blood appears to be far higher than I supposed, even for it. I can see how its skin is beginning to rot" she pointed over to the darkened and reeking spots at the base of its neck right at the hem of its armour "Give me a bowl, or something to keep a bit of this in" Angela shouted.

She made a deeper cut since the creature didn't wince at all and tried holding the goblet she was handed in a way the blood would not touch her skin.

"Let me" Allara took the bowl from the woman despite her protests.

Allara held it against the colder skin of the human creature and let as much of its thick blood flow into it. As she did, she felt a bit of the dark blood stain her hand but the burn felt more like an uncomfortable warmth against her skin.

"Here" she handed the bowl over to Angela who had a rag to cover it.

"Your hands" Vanir grabbed her hands and she had to stop him before he tried to rub out the burning liquid with his bare hands from her own.

"I'm fine" she told him "See?" she wiped the remaining of it as carefully as she could and showed him her unmarked skin.


"I'll be taking this blood to the other sorcerers to examine" Angela told the queen and cut off the elf.

"Everyone back to your places" Nasuada ordered the group that was still staring at the misshapen man before them "And someone carry that...man, to the dungeons. I'll have him questioned later"

Drogos removed his claws from on top of the man and a knight and one of the smaller kull, which Allara remembered was caller urgal, lifted the limp 'man' to his feet and dragged him into the palace and down to where they kept the prisoners, the clunky makeshift armour making a grating noise as it dragged on the ground.

"Did you see anything else, Allara?" Nasuada asked the woman.

"There was that thing, the Ra'zac" Allara explained "But when it saw us it fled"

"So now we can be sure it is those creatures that are causing so much trouble" king Orik grunted.

"I'll be raising the amount of guards around the wall of the city and we must work quickly to find a solution for this" Nasuada ordered.

"Allara let me take a look at your hand" Angela insisted as she took the other woman's hand in hers "Huh, not a scratch"

Allara was beginning to get nervous from all the eyes still on them as everyone else begun to go back to their own work.

"So, there may be a few 'perks'" she made quotes with her free hand "To the blood that runs in my general bloodline"

"Oh, you must tell me all about it" Angela said with strangely sparkly eyes.

Allara sweatdropped and Vanir chuckled at her position as she was dragged away by the witch, the elf following with long strides behind both women.


"You're back here without results or my creation and no results at all about breaching the wall of the capital!" the Other shouted at the Ra'zac as the black creature knelt in fear before them.

The usually unmoving creature flinched visibly as the Other stood from the makeshift metal throne they had, with a few new additions of oddly misshapen bones poking in all directions.

The Other unsheathed their jagged sword and placed it under the Ra'zac's chin making its hood fall off from its shaved head.

"Do you wish for another opportunity to prove yourself?" the Other sort of cooed threateningly.

Even as the Ra'zac began to nod its head, the Other swiped their sword back and down, effectively cutting its head down.

"Clean this up" they ordered one of the few living experiments they still kept.

As the tainted former human tried to haul the black body off, its legs fell apart under it, followed by the waist and torso. The Other looked down angrily at the now melting head of the thing they had created before stepping on it and crushing the bald head, making their throne room even more messy with blood and decaying brain matter.

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