ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔈𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱

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"Our general bloodline, of the people that come from the continent previously known as Old Valyria, is called Dragon Blood. The royal house of my land is even called House of the Dragon since people like to speculate that the first of Valyrians were born from a dragon" Allara said as she played with the hem of her shirt.

"Really? And..."

ф Several Hours Later

Allara was listening raptly to the stories Agaravel and the other dragons were telling her. The she dragon was in the process of telling her in extreme detail how she and her rider had died when Drogos and Embar trudged in, the baby dragon trailing behind the female.

"Did you have fun?" Drogos asked Allara as he heavily laid himself besides her.

"Indeed I did" Allara replied in Valyrian.

"Would you wish to see the eggs Allara?" a chorus of the Eldunarí's voices asked.

"Eggs?" Allara's eyes brightened.

Allara walked as quickly as she could behind Cuaroc to the hatchery. When they came to a dead end she was confused until the dragon headed man pressed his metal palm against the rock wall and muttered something making the stone wall give way into a room.

Allara gaped at the hundreds, maybe even hundreds of eggs they had.

"What is it?" Drogos and Embar could not go into the room themselves but they were just as curious.

"There's hundreds of unhatched dragon eggs here" Allara said in valyrian awe.

"Most of these eggs will hatch and roam Alagaësia freely whilst a score of them will be presented to the different races of our continent to find the next line of riders" Cuaroc explained "As Agaravel and the other Eldunarí have already told you, there are only three riders we know of, apart from now your own people. The rider Eragon and his dragon Saphira, have gone already with the first egg of those to find the next member to join our community"

"When will he be back?" Allara asked.

"The trip from here to Du Weldenvarden, which is where the young rider is going, takes a few days, close to a week. With the Eldunarí he took with him to help Saphira through, possibly less. But he might take longer as he must wait for the egg to hatch and the new rider to get ready to depart" Glaedr calculated in his mind.

"Do you believe he could help me?" she asked.

"He is young and inexperienced but he is your best chance" Agaravel said.

"Then we will wait for him to return" Allara stated.


Reminder that Ancient Language is underlined. And since Alagaësia dragons talk through their minds they talk underlined and cursive.

Surprisingly the white egg had opened for the dark haired elf named Vanir, the very same one who had challenged Eragon when they had first met. Eragon was glad that they were now something more of friends.

"Ir will cin leave?" Arya asked him as they watched their dragons dance in the air together (When will you leave?).

All right so I didn't find an English to Ancient elvish translator so it's English to Sindarin.

"Hae aderī hae īlon issi gaomagon packing" Eragon said sadly "Cin could tul- with ammen" (As soon as we are done packing. You could come with us).

"You know I cannot" she replied in his language.

Eragon didn't push it since he knew Arya was very hard headed and loyal to her people.



"Keep your sword up no matter what!" Glaedr barked at Allara as she dodged another strike from Cuaroc "Move your feet faster! Concentrate on your breathing!"

Despite feeling like her muscles were going to lock up Allara continued to push herself. She knew her limits and would always do the same thing. She would train until she reached the very end of them right before she could do any full term damage to her body.

"You can stop" Allara's sword froze, inched away from impaling Cuaroc's metal cranium "Good. You're good. We will be able to work with that"


Glaedr had been pleasantly surprised when he had begun to oversee Allara's training. The girl was fast both on her feet and mind. She listened well to commands and learned from her mistakes almost on the go.

"It has been a while since I have seen such genius in swordsmanship" one of the older Eldunarí said "Despite her being a human female she knows and acknowledges her incapacities in front of stronger foes. But instead of backing down she adapts"

"That's how Allara has always been" Drogos lifted his head higher, proud of his little one.

"She, unlike other women, was lucky with her parents. Most of Westeros acts the same to female two legs. They are found weak and helpless in front of their male counterparts unlike in our species" Embar said somberly "But in the North, the women are starting to train alongside the men thanks to lady Aurora Belgrave. Allara's potential was seen by fighters all over our continent and it earned her and her brother many titles"

"Humans have always been foolish creatures" another female Eldunarí chimed in.


"Drogos! Embar! Let's go fly a bit I need to cool off!" Allara said as she came up to them.

She had reattached her armour over her clothes and hung her blade on a branch by hooking the sheath on it. Drogos shook himself and lowered himself down to the ground.

"Have you grown?" Allara asked him.

"Glaedr did say that this continent had more magic, and that is the main factor in our growth" Embar explained.

The she dragon had also grown. The now towered over Allara, almost as tall as their father now. They were only a bit more than a decade old and still growing. Allara wondered if it was the magic or their bloodline that kept them growing. They were the youngest dragons to reach this size and the queen had even written a record for them. They could easily reach bigger heights than Balerion if they continued to grow so quickly and steadily.

Deciding it was a problem for another day, Allara climbed up Drogos' shoulder quickly and onto his back. She was surprised when Cuaroc floated Glaedr's golden Eldunarí up to her.

"I wish to see how you fly together to see how your partnership works" the dragon said.

"Of course. Drogos, sōvegon" with the familiar word leaving her lips, the dragon lifted his wings and took off without the need for a starting run.

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