ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔉𝔦𝔳𝔢

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The baby did not complain as Allara found a spot under his chin which made purrs stumble out of his throat. The dragon tensed a bit when Embar and Drogos leaned down to smell him, even when the human cooed at him to relax him. Allara told her dragons her conversation with the strange rocks making Embar pull away with a snort and look at the horizon where the sun was beginning to go down

"Then we'll have to stay here until we figure out what to do" then she laid on the warm sand and opened her wing for Allara to go inside.

The baby even followed Allara under the large she dragon's wing as it was pulled over them to drown out the night noise and cold. Drogos promptly curled himself besides his sister and fell asleep. Allara reached her arms out for the baby dragon who quickly pranced over to her and bravely nudged his way against her side, as he was roughly her size in body length.

Allara hummed a tune from her mother in Old Valyrian which had the baby in her arms fall asleep even quicker before she and Embar too fell prey to slumber.


Allara woke up very well rested and slid out of the sandwich the two dragons made with her, the little one flattening himself against her stomach and Embar's warm underside on her back. With a groan and a slightly hurt back she stretched her arms up so her fingertips brushed against the leathery skin of the she dragon's wing. With quick snaps she then unhooked the metal of her armour leaving her dressed in a loose shirt and leather pants.

She tapped Embar's wing softly with the back of her hand and the she dragon grumbled as she lifted her wing up ever so slightly making Allara groan and duck down onto her knees and under the sliver of space she had to exit.

Once she had brushed off the sand from her knees a]she chuckled when Embar curled herself up against the baby, her finned tail coming around him as he made a ball with his own body and did a little noise.

"Drogos?" Allara hissed out, trying not to wake the sleeping dragons.

"Over here" she heard him growl.

"Oh no! What the fuck is that?!" Allara covered her mouth when she found Drogos eating the slimy entrails of a snail close to the size of a horse, several other piled up around him either charred or their, heads? Bitten off.

"I asked the dragon headed two legs. Snalgí he said they are called" the black dragon told her through a mouthful of the giant snail's juice "A delicacy over here, he said"

"Enjoy your food" Allara said as she tried no to puke.

"I will" he responded with a content growl as he dug his face deeper into the snail pile.

While Allara worked in trying to find some food for herself, she felt a shiver go down her neck, as if someone was watching her. She tried to ignore it and found a clump of fruits at the top of a tree.

"Drogos!" the dragon came to her when called and stood besides her, his hulking height not really reaching the height of the much taller trees that formed the island canopy "Help me up"

The dragon raised one of his wings so Allara could grab onto the hocked claws at the end where the wing folded in half and lifted it over his head with her holding on.

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