ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔉𝔬𝔯𝔱𝔶 𝔈𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱

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"As I said, I am tired of waiting" they repeated.

"Then, then let us move to the next stage. We grant you permission and..."

"Thank you my lords. That was all. I have no need to speak with you any longer" the two remaining men relaxed in their seats as the red haired Shade turned to leave the room until they turned around "But I do not believe I asked for permission"

With a jerk from their hand, the two grey skinned 'men' took action and stabbed the other two lords a few times before they themselves fell as their bodies gave into the devastating effects of the blood they had in them.

The Other smirked and went to walk back to his 'home' while throwing their hood back over the already dark features, the smirk widening when they heard the piercing scream of the maid who had gone to see if the room needed cleaning or anything else.


"So, what was the verdict?" Allara and Vanir asked Nasuada as the queen asked them to join her and the group she had called for gathered together.

"We are not sure of the size of the opposing host, so I have called for volunteers to form a small group to go with you when you leave to investigate the source of the small attacks" the queen said.

The group constituted of a single kull who introduced himself as Skgahgrezh, blood brother of Nar Garzhvog, which made sense since he looked nearly identical to the leader of the kull. Jörmundur had arrived with the others from Du Weldenvarden the afternoon before and had been welcomed by the sight of Drogos and Embar at the entrance of the city.

Jörmundur, Roran and Rimmar had been kept up to date after they spoke with the queen and the younger man had volunteered to join the group, getting his request rejected of course due to his wife and children.

Instead the older warrior had presented himself as a volunteer along with Rimmar.

There were also two werecats sat on the kull's shoulders with their tail swinging against his face although the larger male did not seem bothered at all. Solembum was also waiting there along with Angela who appeared to have finished her research, at least for the moment.

"The last traces of the enemy were found in Dras Leona where a maid found the king of the city alongside two of the lords from nearby cities dead with two grey skinned men like the one we aprehended, who gave us nothing and died before his questioning could be continued" the queen informed them.

"What do we know these 'men' can do?" Jörmundur asked since he was the one least in the loop of what had happened up to that point.

"As far as we know, they are stronger than normal human men, at least up until the point of their own disintegration from the blood they have been infused by" Angela explained.

"How long before they do that?"

"We are not sure but about three hours after they get injected by it"

"We also don't know how many they have so you all have to be careful" Nasuada warned them.

Nasuada's words hung in the air, a weighty reminder of the dangers that awaited the group. Allara exchanged a glance with Vanir, their eyes reflecting the mix of determination and concern that was shared among the members. The mission ahead was shrouded in uncertainty, but they knew they had to face it head-on.

"Rest assured, Your Majesty, we will exercise utmost caution," Allara replied, her voice steady. "We understand the gravity of the situation and will do everything in our power to investigate the source of these attacks."

Nasuada nodded, her expression a blend of gratitude and worry.

"I have faith in your abilities and I thank you for volunteering for this mission. But remember, your safety is of paramount importance. Do not engage the enemy unless absolutely necessary. Gather as much information as you can and report back to us"

The queen's words resonated with the group, and they nodded in agreement. Jörmundur, though slightly apprehensive about the enemy they would face, steeled himself for the task at hand.

"I may not be as agile as I once was, but my sword arm is still strong. I will protect my comrades and gather any information I can."

"We will ensure that we remain vigilant and alert. I have seen my fair share of battles, and I know the importance of being prepared for the unexpected" the dwarf of the group said with a hand on his axe.

Shadowhunter, perched on the kull's shoulder, let out a low growl, emphasizing her agreement with the sentiment.

"The source of this infused blood is still unknown, but it must be a key aspect of their operation. We must find out more about it to weaken their forces" Angela said.

"But be cautious. We have no intel on their numbers or their stronghold. Reconnaissance should be your primary objective. We cannot afford to risk unnecessary casualties" Nasuada interjected, her voice tinged with concern.

"We will tread carefully, Your Majesty. Our priority is to gather information and return safely. We will not engage unless absolutely necessary" Vanir, who had been silently observing the conversation, spoke up.

With their plan outlined and their determination steeled, the group dispersed, each member preparing themselves mentally and physically for the challenges ahead. As they readied their weapons and packed essential supplies, the gravity of the situation settled upon them. They knew that their actions would play a crucial role in the outcome of this conflict.

Stepping into the unknown, they embraced their roles as the vanguard of hope, committed to unravelling the mysteries behind the attacks and securing their homeland. The road ahead was treacherous, but their resolve burned brighter than ever. The fate of Alagaësia rested in their hands, and they were determined to emerge victorious, no matter the cost.

Allara called Embar and Drogos to her and asked the two dragons if they would carry the group. The dragons, sensing the urgency in her voice, nodded in agreement, their eyes gleaming with unwavering loyalty and determination.

"Kirimvose Drogos. Embar" Allara gave the both dragons a kiss on the tips of their noses and they both purred as they allowed the members of the small group to climb onto them (Thank you).

Skgahgrezh , Angela and the three werecats were mounted on Embar's back with the witch at the very front with the same giddy expression she had when she had first flown with the she dragon. Allara got onto Drogos in front of Vanir alongside Roran and Rimmar.

"Slowly sir" Allara told the two dragons as they prepared to take flight (slowly now).

The dragons did as she asked and as slowly as they could rose into the air making small gusts of air hit the queen below them who was watching them leave.

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