ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔉𝔬𝔯𝔱𝔶 𝔉𝔬𝔲𝔯

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Remember this man in the books has never spent any personal time with women of any race so he might react like that despite being an elf.

The he turned around slowly and also made his way to his quarters where he had been situated.



The Other threw the goblet he had been handed, away. The ominously red liquid flowing thickly out into the cracks of the stone floor the room had, a scream of rage resonating through the empty halls as the prisoners but a floor beneath them cowered in their grime filled cells.

The Other seethed. Why was it not working? He had been trying to experiment with the blood of the Ra'zac, injecting it in the weakest of the prisoners that he found too worthless to turn but they all just ended up 'melting'. Their constitutions were too weak since the blood of the Ra'zac burned through their system, but where could he find a human with a high tolerance to such heats?


Allara's eyes snap open as she sat up and rubbed her eyes off sleepiness. Her back was killing her as she had moved so much during her sleep she had ended up curling in a strange way on the bed.

She scratched the back of her neck, finding the larger knots in her hair. Her eyes caught the glint of scissors and she went to grab them with a dangerously impulsive gleam in her eyes.

Before she decided to change her mind, she cut off the end of a clump of hair making the remains fall like moonlight strands to the floor.

"Well, no going back now" she thought to herself.

As cleanly as she could she brought as much hair as she could to the front and cut about ten centimetres of hair (four inches/four fingers more or less) so that it reached just on her shoulders. For the back it was a bit harder but with a hand held mirror, she was able to do quite a neat job of it.

She wasn't sure what she was going to be asked to do today so she went with her travelling clothes which had been washed the night before and placed on her bed. Allara found her dagger and sword and strapped them to her body before tightening the laces of her boots and leaving the room.

"Allara" she was greeted by Vanir in the halls.

She smiled at him before she got a thought of a memory from the night before that made her reel back.

'And so, as sleepy as she was, she reflexively leaned forward and placed a chaste kiss on his cheek, missing a bit as she was also slightly drunk and kissing a bit lower near his jaw'

Allara shook her head to clear it and raised her head as high as she usually held herself. They went out to the patio where the table from the banquet the night before was still being cleared to find the dragons.

Allara pushed her foot against Drogos' nose making a small plume of smoke come out as the dragon stirred in his sleep.

"Allara" Embar yawned as she woke up making a maid that was walking a bit too close by let out a small frightened shout as she caught a full view of the she dragon's teeth "Is it morning already?"

"Yes so please wake your brother up" Allara asked her.

Embar complied and slapped her brother with her tail fins, opposite to her gently nudging Umaroth awake.

The white dragon stretched himself out and pranced over to Vanir as Drogos grumbled something about his sister waking him up.

It was still very early in the morning so Vanir suggested them training.

Once the elf led the both of them to the empty training grounds Allara realised there was a fair number of large cats similar to Solembum laying in the sun and soaking it in.

There was an especially large one in the center of all the rest of the females that had pitch black fur and slanted green eyes that were fixed on her the moment they walked out. She tried to ignore them as she pulled out Ânogar from its scabbard and prepared herself for Vanir's attack.

The elf was the first to attack as usual, since he knew that Allara would not do so herself until he did, and forced the woman to duck under his hard blow. She blocked the next with her blade this time and pushed him back as far as she could to place distance between them. She was not as fast or strong as him so she had to find some way to trick him.

While the two of them sparred against each other, more and more people came out from the main building of the palace since the sound of swords clashing woke them up as it rang all across the building.

Nar Garzhvog was one of the first to sit besides the werecats and stare at Allara and Vanir as they weaved through their opponents movements.

Allara felt herself getting tired after a while and decided to change her approach to Vanir. The elf looked somewhat shocked when instead of taking the defensive Allara begun to swing her sword more violently. Her blows were harder and left little to no openings on her person as she pushed him back.

Grimrr Halfpaw raised his head and Nar Garzhvog payed more intent attention as Allara started using her father's fighting style.

The sudden change of style was enough to catch the elf unaware and it lead to Allara having her sword pointed to his throat while she panted.

"I win" she said victoriously.


Vanir smiled up at her and took her hand when she offered it to him. Allara took notice of the small crowd that had gathered and had been watching their exchange and lowered her head to hide her embarrassed look. Then only times she had been observed so intently it had been during the royal tourneys for the Targaryen queen, and even then it had not been so aimed at her since she was a woman.

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