ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔑𝔦𝔫𝔢

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She had reattached her armour over her clothes and hung her blade on a branch by hooking the sheath on it. Drogos shook himself and lowered himself down to the ground.

"Have you grown?" Allara asked him.

"Glaedr did say that this continent had more magic, and that is the main factor in our growth" Embar explained.

The she dragon had also grown. The now towered over Allara, almost as tall as their father now. They were only a bit more than a decade old and still growing. Allara wondered if it was the magic or their bloodline that kept them growing. They were the youngest dragons to reach this size and the queen had even written a record for them. They could easily reach bigger heights than Balerion if they continued to grow so quickly and steadily.

Deciding it was a problem for another day, Allara climbed up Drogos' shoulder quickly and onto his back. She was surprised when Cuaroc floated Glaedr's golden Eldunarí up to her.

"I wish to see how you fly together to see how your partnership works" the dragon said.

"Of course. Drogos, sōvegon" with the familiar word leaving her lips, the dragon lifted his wings and took off without the need for a starting run.


Allara shouted in glee when she had to hold herself close to Drogos to avoid whiplash. The Eldunarí she held in her arms still remained secured in front of her, caged by her arms and the spike she held onto.

Glaedr would be lying if he said he hadn't been surprised at the sudden take off. He had seen Allara fight in her brutal style but he hadn't expected her to be so reckless when flying as well.

He heard her tell the young dragon something and soon they were flying upside down on loops. Luckily the loops were done fast enough so Allara didn't fall but every time they did one Glaedr swore he his heart lurched when he felt the human's legs slip a little off the dragon's back as they weren't secured by anything.

Still, he admired the trust they had in each other. Some of the bonded riders he had met had spent centuries together and never achiever the level of trust the two unbonded pair shared.

"Glaedr" he turned his attention to the girl behind him as she reached for a rope she had curled around her waist "I'm going to tie you up. I trust that Drogos will keep you safe"

"What? What are you doing youngling?" he asked her.

He 'watched' her as she balanced herself on her knees and then rose up to her feet on the dragon's back. Allara whistled and Embar came flying underneath her brother.

"I'll see you on the gᵣₒᵤₙd" the last word was distorted as she dropped herself from the dragon.


Allara angled herself as best as she could and put all her trust in that Embar would catch her. She got closer to the she dragon's back and grunted when she was almost there. Embar suddenly flew up so that the fall on her back didn't hurt Allara too much.

Allara touched the hard scales softer than other times they had practised the move but she still grunted when she did.

"Woooohooo" Allara threw her arms back in celebration as Embar tilted down in a dive to the ground.

Allara let her body fly backwards as Embar closed her sings around her torso to stop the air resistance from slowing her down.


From the ground Cuaroc stared as the human girl flew off on the black dragon. They were quick in their weaves through the air, the she dragon Embar following close behind, right on her brother's tail. Drogos did several dangerous turns making Allara nearly fall off.

On one of the loops the young woman fell from her seat on the black dragon and down. Embar angled up and caught her. Then the pretty female dragon dived down to the ocean.

Right before they hit the water, the dragon opened her wings with a snap so audible Cuaroc even heard it from his place down on the ground and her body stopped from falling, then landing gracefully on the ground.


"I don't know if you're crazy or brave young one, but never do that again" Glaedr told Allara as Drogos landed and Cuaroc floated his Eldunarí down.

"How was it?" Gretiem, another of the Eldunarí, asked the golden dragon once Cuaroc had brought him back into the cave.

"Fast" Glaedr replied shortly "The hatchling is quick in the air and reacts just as quickly. He follows the air currents relatively well considering he and his sister have never been taught. They both fly following their instincts, which is, in this case, something good"

"And with the girl?" another asked.

"They have a trust bond I haven't seen in many pairs with less time spent together" Glaedr continued "They are rough around the edges but they have a lot of potential"

"That's good, it'll make it easier to teach them" Agaravel said.

"Yes it will"


"That was fun!" Embar cried out.

The baby dragon yet again joined them and started to play and climb over the she dragon's head clumsily.

"Yes it was. Hello little one" Allara cooed when the baby came to her and snuggled up against her.

"What about me" Drogos whined.

He forced the baby off of Allara as he pushed his head onto her lap, crushing her under it.

"You're heavy Drogos!" she protested.


It had been decided in the end that Vanir would be staying in Du Weldenvarden until he and his dragon were ready to travel to Vroengard and the dragon was bigger.

Eragon saluted goodbye to all the elves that were grouped together at the edge of their city in the forest.

ф A Few Days Later


"This is actually kind of nice" Allara said as she took a mouthful of the giant roasted snail and tried to ignore the texture of it at the same time.

"Right?!" Drogos said "You have to try it raw"

"I think this is good enough for now Drogos" Allara chuckled.

Embar had surprisingly taken a mother role towards the baby dragon and was sharing a snail with him.

"I know I have to wait for you to choose your own name but..." Allara trailed off "...I'll call you Byka for now" (little).

The baby chirped at her, as if he didn't mind it, not that he could understand her.

"Nice to meet you Byka" Drogos nuzzled the top of Byka's head.

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