ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔉𝔬𝔯𝔱𝔶 𝔗𝔥𝔯𝔢𝔢

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"They are waiting for us" he told her.

She nearly pouted that she hadn't gotten any reaction out of him and moved forward while he held the door open for her.


Vanir had indeed been surprised when he saw her. There were few occasions where he had seen her dressed up, none that he could recall. He thought his heart jumped but he hid it well enough for her not to notice.

"They are waiting for us" he told her.

As she walked out the door, he noticed the strange new smell to her. He smiled as soon as she had turned her back to him as he found it somehow amusing that she was dressing like so from what he knew of her.

And so the both of them went down to the backyard where the maid, that had also been waiting at the door for Allara to come out, led them to.


As soon as they came outside, Allara was attacked by a cacophony of different noises. From instruments playing very much in the backround to the clinking of plates as the servants placed the cutlery on the long table that had been set up.

They were led to their seats and the greeting from the queen to them directed to the several nobles sat amongst them was quick as they all dived into the foods. As Allara noticed, there were not many vegetables or fruits so she tried to gather as many of them as she could, handing it to Vanir once they had been piled into a plate of steamed vegetables and fresh fruits.

"Thank you" he uttered softly to her.

She granted him a smile and remained quiet as she herself indulged in her roasted duck. Allara smiled when she noticed that Drogos, Embar and Umaroth were being fed fresh meat from cattle.

As soon as everyone was done with the food and the deserts were brought out, along with large barrels of what king Orik explained was dwarven mead.

"The finest in the continent" the king told her "Try it"

He nearly smacked a goblet filled up to the brim with the drink and encouraged her to take a sip. Frowning, Allara did so and smacked her lips a bit to get used to the taste. Seeing the expectant looks of the other dwarves around their king, Allara smirked and decided to down the alcoholic drink in one go, nearly choking on it but holding it back until it was fully empty.

Once she set the cup down she received cheers from the dwarves and a few disgusted looks from other noble ladies she tried to ignore. From the corner of her eye she saw Drogos lifting a whole barrel of the drink and downing it almost instantly with his sister chiding him for it.

"Let me show you real liquor my lord" she told king Orik as she pulled out her flask in which she held the drink her mother had named 'vodka' (it has a recipe with surprisingly accesible ingredients, apart from the process of making it which has quite a few many steps😅), and uncapped it.

The shorter male asked one of the servants to bring an empty cup to him and he held it as Allara poured him a small drink at first, pouring herself a bit. The king furrowed his eyebrows as he tasted it and swallowed.

"It is not as strong as ours lass, pour me another" he said.

"Oh I assure you my lord, this drink is quite strong" she tried to warn him.

"Bah" he waved her off and insisted until she conceded to him.


"Bring me the sword...TO THE BARRAKS! sgsfjstulzsfbeayksh" king Orik was taken away by his men as he slurred out his sentences.

He had dragged a few other lords to join him ending the dinner with a slightly dramatic flair as they all stumbled back home with help from their wives or men. Allara had also thankfully managed to strike up conversations and friendships with a few of the noble women there, the younger ones confiding in her their thoughts on her attractive travelling partner.

"I believe we will have to stay here for tonight Allara" Embar yawned as she and her brother had finished more than a few barrels of drinks alone.

"Rest bē issa darlings" she told the she dragon as she kissed her scaled brows (Rest up my darlings).

Drogos grumbled on in his sleep but did not wake up.

"It appears you have had quite the impact lady Allara" Nasuada told her as she also got ready to go to her quarters.

"Just Allara your highness, and I am glad I have" she bowed her head to the queen.

The queen nodded at the elf and the woman and went up to the palace.

Vanir, being the gentleman he was, accompanied Allara to her room which she was grateful for.

"Elrun ono Vanir" she tells him quietly as she felt too tired to say so aloud (Thank you).

And so, as sleepy as she was, she reflexively leaned forward and placed a chaste kiss on his cheek, missing a bit as she was also slightly drunk and kissing a bit lower near his jaw.

Cringe, I know😅😋.

Allara flopped down on her bed not even bothering to untie her dress or shoes.


Vanir remained in front of Allara's bedroom door for a bit longer, a stunned look on his face before his cheeks slowly tinged red.

Remember this man in the books has never spent any personal time with women of any race so he might react like that despite being an elf.

The he turned around slowly and also made his way to his quarters where he had been situated.



The Other threw the goblet he had been handed away, the ominously red liquid flowing out into the cracks of the stone floor the room had, a scream of rage resonating through the empty halls as the prisoners but a floor beneath them cowered in their grime filled cells.

The Other seethed. Why was it not working? He had been trying to experiment with the blood of the Ra'zac, injecting it in the weakest of the prisoners that he found too worthless to turn but they all just ended up 'melting'. Their constitutions were too weak since the blood of the Ra'zac burned through their system, but where could he find a human with a high tolerance to such heats?

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