ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔉𝔬𝔯𝔱𝔶

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"Good. After the queen announces your intentions to the other rulers you will be called out to do whatever she requieres you both to do"

The girl turned around and closed the bedroom door without her.

"Allara" she heard Agaravel's voice in her head making her drop the folded dress she had grabbed to put into the wardrobe.

"Agara...I mean Agaravel. Is there something wrong?" she asked as she changed from speaking out loud to mental communication.

"Nothing is wrong, it's just that Drogos, Embar and even the little hatchling have been asking for you and the elf" she told Allara.

"Give me a moment and I'll call Vanir" Allara told her.

With a sigh, Allara raked a hand through her silver hair, noticing now that it was out of its braids that it had grown so very long.

"I'll have to cut it later" she muttered to herself as she got up to change her horse smelling clothes and clean up.



After he had gone in the room he had been given, Vanir decided to inform queen Arya of everything that had happened. When he finished and put the water bowl back down, he went to change his shirt as he had worn the same one for the past few travel days and it did not smell very good.

"Vanir" he turned to the door with his new shirt still in his arms to find Allara at the door.

She had apparently forgotten to knock before she opened it and she seemed to realise it as she closed it quickly.

"Sorry!" she shouted from across the door.

"You may come in Allara" he said with a small smile on his face.

The door opened slowly and she peeked in, slowly shrugging herself inside and closing the door behind her. Her hair was damp and hanging off her back in soft waves, she was also clothed in a new pure white shirt and dark brown leather pants. She looked unexpectedly nice, for a human. He backtracked his thoughts, internally shaking his head.

"Ummm, the girl named Elva told me that...that the dragons are asking for us" she stammered out.


Allara tried not to stare as she could see the elf was actually smirking. She couldn't really help it. She had learnt that elves had a different physical structure than normal humans but she had not expected to see him be so open about it. As he was pulling his shirt up over his head, she took notice of his slightly toned pale torso which was hairless, contrasting the males from where she came. No scars stained his smooth skin and his muscles moved under his skin. His muscles were visible but not too prominent, he was more on the lean side...

"Allara?" he asked her.

She moved her eyes back up to find his already on her. He had the gall to actually smirk at her!

With a huff, she crossed her arms over her chest and repeated what she had said.

"The girl named Elva told me that the dragons are asking for us, Umaroth as well" she said, clearing her throat.

"Let us go then" he walked around her and exited the room.

Allara took in a breath, stilling herself as she had never felt that same way for the prettiest men suitors she had been presented to in Westeros, and there were many of them. She shook it off as normal since all elves she had seen in Du Weldenvarden were beautiful.

As the elf walked she had to speed walk a little. She wasn't short but the male had longer legs and stride so he was faster than her. She could actually see his pointed ears twitching every now and then slightly as he followed Agaravel's directions.

The climb up to the mountain room the dragons were in was steep and rather long, Allara had to stop herself from panting since she didn't want to give the elf the satisfaction of knowing she got tired.

"Allara!" Drogos' large body threw itself at her.

The dragon landed with his head on her legs making her grunt as his own mouth was now a bit larger than her whole body length so he weighted more now.

"Careful you dumbass" Embar swatted her brother behind his large horns and forced him to get off of Allara.

"Drogos īlon emagon issare apart syt less than hāre hours" Allara chuckled as she smoothed her hand against his nose horn fondly (Drogos we have been apart for less than three hours).

She felt a tap on her leg and looked at Umaroth who was looking right at her.

"Oh my aren't you growing quickly?" and indeed so the white dragon she had met about a month ago when he had been the size of a large cat was now the size of a pony or small horse, his head now reaching Allara's in height.

The dragon raised his head proudly as he let the woman examine his colourless scales.

"So you just called us down here because you missed us?" Vanir asked the three dragons, amusement dancing in his features.

"No" "Yes" the two different responses earned the younger dragons some looks as they nodded their heads bashfully.

"We just wanted to ask you..." Drogos looked at her sister who encouraged him to continue "You will be sleeping with us as you do always no?"

"I will have to ask the queen. Ilon issi daor longer lenton Drogos" she replied with a sad smile (We are no longer home Drogos).



Queen Nasuada had been asked to have the two riders meet the leaders of the different races and so she had called them back down to the conference room. It hadn't really taken a lot from her to convince them since the dwarven kingdom had also been experiencing several random attacks as well as Surda.

"So?" King Orrin demanded impatiently "Where are they?"

"Patience king Orrin" the dwarven king Orik told the human man.

The man hit the arm of his chair angrily, getting ready to stand up when a knight came into the room announcing the entrance of the riders.

"The riders Lord Vanir of Du Weldenvarden and Lady Allara Stark of..." the man trailed off, not entirely sure of how to continue the announcement.

"Let them in" the queen cut him off sharply.

As the door was opened a male elf with dark hair came in followed by a beautiful young woman with silver hair.


The two of them looked around the room at the unfamiliar faces in front of them.

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