ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔗𝔴𝔢𝔫𝔱𝔶 𝔖𝔢𝔳𝔢𝔫

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The group that had come from their respective lands tilted their heads and looked up. Allara had to bite her lip to keep herself from smirking when even the woman, who looked like she had seen many things during her life, jumped back a bit when they caught a glance of the huge black and red dragon descending upon them and behind him another unknown dragon with bluish tones and pinkish undertones. The familiar green one following behind as well.

Drogos and Embar landed heavily and Allara walked closer to them, helping Umaroth down from the she dragon with a grunt as the dog sized dragon pup threw his weight on her to get down on her arms.

"What is this?" Roran asked as he and the other two males leaned away from the massive beasts.

"Ser Jörmundur, Ser Roran, Ser Rimmar and Lady Angela" Allara received a hiss from the cat boy "These are Drogos and Embar. Drogos, Embar; these are the representatives of the queen Arya told us about...and others"

The group who found the two dragons to be unknown leaned a bit away as the two of Allara's companions showed their teeth in what they thought to be a polite smile.

"So, you are a Rider as well?" Jörmundur asked Allara as he kept his hand on the pommel of his sword despite the dragons not making any aggressive attempts at them.

"Not exactly" Arya took it upon herself to be the one to explain the situation to them without compromising Allara's past.

ф After The Explanation

"Let me get this straight" Roran pinched the skin between his eyebrows "This woman appeared out of nowhere with two completely strange dragons claiming that Eragon, my cousin who has not been in Alagaësia for more than a few days to deliver the egg, gave her a letter to tell you of her and you just let her in, even going so far as to train her"

"More or less" Allara shrugged her shoulders as she kept a steady eye on the woman named Angela who had decided that making the dragons open their jaws to see their teeth was a good idea.

Drogos was getting fed up with strangers touching him all the time, even if it was only babies (which he tolerated more so than humans).

"What exactly are you implying Roran" the elven queen squared her shoulders and stared down at the man "The guardian of our forest only allows those with pure intentions into our home and I can assure you that we made sure they were qualified to come here"

Allara finally was able to direct the woman away from her dragon as she tried to ignore the conversation that was going on about her as if she weren't there.

"All right, then what are we to do about this" Rimmar asked as he rested his hand on the handle of the large axe he had.

"I vote we don't tell anyone of this until they themselves arrive there" the Angela woman said while she sat with her legs crossed over each other on the grass beneath Embar, the she dragon having settled herself down onto the floor so Umaroth could accommodate himself close to her.

"I too, believe that to be the most prudent choice" Allara raised her hand and lowered it almost instantly when she received a glare from Vanir.

"Though I am not sure how to proceed in this, I also agree with them" the dwarf said.

"Jörmundur?" they all turned to the queen's faithful servant.

"I have an obligation to tell queen Nasuada of everything important..." his statement made a few of the people there hold their breaths "...but if they arrived before us and we decided to remain here for a bit longer, we would not have time to inform her in person"

"The it is settled, Rider Vanir and Lady Allara will be riding South to Ilirea with Drogos and Embar" Arya crossed her arms as they finally ended up with an agreement "Roran?"

"Yeah yeah" the man said.

"Good. Vanir, Allara, go ahead and pack the things you might need. Vanir, this is a good chance for you to begin your path as an ambassador between races" the queen said to the dark haired elf.

"Yes my queen" the elf straightened his back and although he had a stoic look on his face Allara caught a glance of pride in his eyes making her smile.

"Come on let's go" Allara told him.


"You ready?" Drogos asked Allara as she was finishing cramming the last of her necessities into the large bag she was taking.

"Yep" she said.

Allara quickly skipped down the stairs where the two dragons were waiting for her.

"Would ao obūljagon ilagon kostilus?" she asked Embar (Would you bend down please?).

The she dragon complied and did as she asked so Allara could hook her bags onto her with a thick piece of rope.

"Allara" the woman turned around only to see Angela and the large cat walking up to her "Take this for me would you?"

She raised the bags she was holding in one hand and threw them at Allara making the young woman scramble to catch them.

"Oh don't look at me like that" the witch waved her confused look off "I have not seen dragons or people as you three in all my long years of life. You might not know much about me but Arya does. That is why you have new orders to take me along with you. Besides, I did not pass through Ilirea and I have to go check on someone there"

She didn't give Allara much time to answer as she walked up to Embar and asked the she dragon to lower her neck.

Allara let out a resigned sigh and nodded to her friend when the dragon's head turned to look at her, equally as surprised at her new passenger.

"Allara" she faced Vanir as the elf walked up behind her with his own bag hanging off his shoulders, which was several times smaller than hers "I am ready to go"

Umaroth yipped and hopped off his Rider's shoulder and sailed onto Drogos' shoulder then resumed the remining climb to the large black dragon's back.

"Looks like someone is ready to go" Allara chuckled as she took the bag from the elf to tie it up on Embar "Jāhor ao sagon sȳz carrying zȳhon?" she asked the she dragon in her mind (Will you be fine carrying her?).

"Do not fret over me dear one" Embar closed her eyes when Allara stroked over her large nose horn "Get on my dimwited brother and let us go"

"Hey!" Drogos snapped his head to his sister startling the elf and baby dragon who were both now comfortably situated on his back "Sorry, sorry"

Allara wasted no time in holding onto the hook at the end of the wing and wait for Drogos to do as he normally did to raise her onto her place in front of the elven male.

"All right Angela. Embar knows where to go so just hold onto her and try to keep Agaravel's Eldunarí from falling!" she got across to the other woman "Drogos! Embar! Sōvegon!"

With a roar the two dragons lurched forward in a short run, one after the other, and into the air. Their serpentine bodies snaking into the clouds that then hid them.

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