ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔗𝔴𝔢𝔫𝔱𝔶 𝔗𝔥𝔯𝔢𝔢

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"Be faster Drogos!" Embar shouted to his brother as she flew above and in front of him.

"Shut it!" Drogos protested. He was flying more carefully since Umaroth was on his back.

"We can hunt here" Firnen told them once they had flown far enough.

"Got one!" Embar said without hesitance.

The other three dragons watched as the she dragon pinned her wings to her sides and dipped down in a steep angle down to where she had seen some wild cattle.

"Hold on little one!" Drogos growled to the baby white dragon.

Umaroth found a spike small enough to wrap his teeth around so he wouldn't fall off the black dragon's back when he too dived down after his sister, Firnen right on the siblings' tails.


"Take your places" Arya ordered Allara and Vanir who situated themselves facing each other about seven steps apart "Whenever you are ready"

Allara waited for Vanir to make the first move as she always did.


Arya observed Allara's starting position. Her arms were slightly held up at her sides loosely and her feet just a little parted, so the queen was caught by surprise when Vanir finally leaped forward with his elven speed and Allara managed to dodge it by a hairsbreadth.

"Oh shit!" she heard the human mutter as she dodged down out of the way.

She was fast, not as fast as the elf she was confronting, but faster than other human's she had seen. Definitely more skilled than Eragon before he had been healed by Nëya.

She was good at dodging as she weaved in between Vanir's strikes. Arya's eyebrows furrowed as she wondered why Allara wasn't attacking until the dark metal blade suddenly flew up close to Vanir which surprised the male and had him barely evading the metal blade.

From that moment her strikes became more accurate and vicious. Even though Vanir was still capable of holding back her blows, Arya could see he was having a hard time adjusting to the new violence of the blows.

After a while, Arya could see Allara was getting tired and despite of that continued to spar against Vanir, dealing blows that grew weaker and weaker with time. Finally, Vanir made a motion only elven speeds could muster and had Allara pressed against the floor whit his sword's tip at the human woman's throat and Allara's arms pinned down so her sword arm couldn't lift up.


Allara grunted when her back met the floor and she froze when the cold tip of a sword was pressed under her chin making her raise her head and meet the eyes of the elf hanging above her.

She had expected the result of the spar to end more or less how it had but she was still left stunned at how she had managed to hold on for so long against him. She looked up to see Vanir already off of her and holding out his hadn for her.

"Thank you" Allara told him softly as she took his help.

Vanir helped pull her up and stared down at her as she resheathed her sword.

Vanir helped pull her up and stared down at her as she resheathed her sword

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I'm sorry if I post so many pictures of this man. He's just.Aaaag!🥵

And once again, ignore the tattoos.

"You are very good..." Arya told Allara making the young woman perk up before staring back at the elven queen in confusement at the next part "...for a human. You need to work on your speed but your hits were fast and nearly perfectly calculated. I noticed you stopped yourself from responding to Vanir's blows at the beginning. Were you studying his fighting style?"

"Yes. My uncle, the queen's husband, and my father are both terribly unpredictable men when they fight so I have to be ready to learn to counter everything that comes at me" Allara explained.

"That's a strange response but it explains it" the queen Arya said "Luckily, we have our work cut out for us. What ceri- cin think Vanir?" (What do you think Vanir?).

"He's man im admit. Ha would n- an opportunitui na train someone like hen" Vanir responded (She's good I admit. It would be an opportunity to train someone like her).

Allara continued to stare at them in confusion as they kept talking in elvish, either forgetting or knowing that she could not understand the language.



"Is it good?" Embar asked little Umaroth as he scarfed down another bite of raw wild cattle. The dragon nodded his head in a nod.

"You are both getting much better at speaking to others through your minds" Agaravel told the two siblings.

You forgot about her huh? So did I😅

"It's true" Drogos said both with his mind and with a groan strangled by the mouthful of meat he still had in his maw "It's getting easier to do so by the day, as well as understanding something other than old Valyrian"

"The you can begin Ancient Language classes" Firnen said as he too had a full mouth.

Embar and Agaravel visibly and audibly cringed when the two males licked the small streams of still warm blood running down both of their chins.

"Oooh yes" Embar said excitedly.

"Firnen you can start with Drogos" Agaravel told the green dragon.

And so the Eldunarí begun to teach Embar short words at first, only starting with easier words. Drogos was actually having an easier time than his sister in learning the strange language as he was older and had had several years to hear different languages before his sister like the Giant language beyond the Wall and others.


"Firnen has just told me that he and Agaravel have started to teach Drogos and Embar some Ancient Language. Do you wish to learn it as well?" Arya asked Allara.

"I would indeed very much your highness" Allara told the queen.

"And if I remember correctly, Eragon told me that you have some experience with spells?" Arya asked her.

"Mostly healing but yes" Allara said.

"Then we will begin as soon as we can" Arya sat Allara down on some chairs which were actually just made from cut down trees.

Vanir sat on the one besides Allara as she waited for Arya to start the class. Arya commenced the 'class' by teaching Allara the names of simple things like branches (kvistr), or water (adurna). Allara took the new language up easily which made it easier for Arya to keep teaching a few longer phrases.

It also lead to Arya and Vanir explaining a few of the wordings put together, like the greeting that Eragon had made Allara learn for when she met the elves.

"That's good for now. Try to practice further with Vanir whenever you are able to before the very next lesson" Arya told Allara.


As Arya was about to leave, Vanir stopped her.

"Cín highness, na- he going na n- informed nia i Ra'zac situation?" he asked the queen (Your highness, is she going to be informed about the Ra'zac situation?).

"Mín will gar- na darth- a see if i reports mín gar- received are all correct" Arya said visibly worried for the first time since the war (We will have to wait and see if the reports we have received are all correct).

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