ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔗𝔥𝔦𝔯𝔱𝔶 𝔒𝔫𝔢

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They found their way quickly and easily to where the dragons were supposed to be only to find a few scorched corpses the color black and three sheepish looking dragons.

"What happened here?" Allara asked her two dragons.

"We were just here and these two legs came up to us following Umaroth..." Drogos began.

"...And they said some things about killing him. So, we, sort of, torched them" Embar said, lowering her face down and pushing the white dragon below her.

Allara looked away from Umaroth when he did a sort of 'puppy face' and let Vanir take the dragon into his arms.

"Ilon've ȳdragotan bē bisa Drogos. Embar" (We've talked about this Drogos. Embar) "Let's just go"

Angela, Vanir and Allara got back onto the dragons and waited for the two of them to fly back on course.

"Allara, I was wondering if you could...show me some of your language. Valyrian was it?" Allara felt glad that the elf was getting comfortable enough with her to consider her his kind of friend.

"Of course Vanir" she said as they flew through the clouds.


They travelled all the way down the river Ramr that Angela told the dragons to follow the stream that would lead them all the way to Ilirea.

"Issa brōzi iksos vanir hen Ellesméra" the elf said slowly, his tongue having a bit of difficulty at rolling the 'r's in the letters (My name is Vanir of Ellesméra).

"Good, good" Allara told the elf. She was sited so that she was facing backwards toward the elf "Now nyke nykeā zaldrīzes kipagīros it means 'I am a dragon Rider'"

The elf tried saying the sentence and got a bit stuck, Allara had to repeat the words more slowly. But she was surprised to see how quickly he learnt the words and adapted to the foreign language. In no time Angela also decided to join in and scared Embar when she asked her to fly right above Drogos and climbed down to her claws making the she dragon stay rock still and hopping onto Drogos. The dragon was used to it from Allara's own tricks so she didn't react too suddenly, she just flew off with the remaining luggage.

And so Allara spent the rest of the next day learning the Ancient Language and teaching herself old Valyrian. She also got Angela to tell her about her old master from the Keeper of the Tower.


Eragon had received a scrying from the queen of elves Arya who told him of the letter she had sent off. In turn, Eragon told her of his dream and the warning it brought with him.

Arya parted with the Rider and after that followed a scry from Vanir. The elf's dark hair was getting blown around his face, an indication that he was in the air.

"What na- ha Vanir?" she asked him (What is it Vanir?).

"Ha appears i Allara has had a lór nia Ra'zac, a he says i in hen tí ha might n- a taith -o premonition" he explained (It appears that Allara has had a dream about Ra'zac, and she says that in her line it might be a sign of premonition).

"Ha wouldn't n- a coincidence i Eragon had a similarlui dúr lór" Arya cupped her chin in thought (It wouldn't be a coincidence that Eragon had a similarly dark dream) "N- verui careful wherever cin glenn-. Im ind i hin dúr times were done, but ha appears im was roeg" (Be very careful wherever you go. I thought that these dark times were done, but it appears I was wrong).

"-o iór nin drötning" the male elf said, bowing his head as well as he could in the sir(Of course my queen).


Vanir let the water he had cupped in his hands fall and wiped them on his shirt to dry them off. He looked ahead at Allara's back, her hair, which had gotten so very long, was flying everywhere despite the braid it was in. He reached forward and grabbed the pale hair, undoing the main braid and begun to braid it himself.

He felt Allara stiffen and thought he had done something weird until she relaxed back a bit, so he continued to intertwined large sections of her hair together.


Allara felt it strange that Vanir was suddenly being so close to her but ignores it when his long fingers weaved through her hair gently, placing it into a long braid.

"Allara" she heard Drogos' warning tone of voice in her mind as she let herself relax back into the spike separating her from Vanir.

"Shush Drogos. I can't even make friends?" she said to him in her mind.

"Oh, we're getting better at this" the black dragon's tone changed momentarily.

"Of course you are. I'm your teacher" Agaravel intruded in their mind.

"Allara, is it true that Agaravel's Eldunarí is coming along with us?" Angela asked the young woman.

Allara assumed that Angela had not seen the Eldunarí be raised onto Embar's back so she nodded.

"Oh, I believe we could trade stories" the older woman said. She paused a bit before speaking out "Could we touch down near Bullridge? Solembum has made his way there without pause"

The two dragons agreed and Angela guided the dragons to the second village in the two days they had been travelling and told them to veer a bit more to the right where there was a rather dense forest.

The moment they all got off the dragons, a large cat jumped out from the bushes, his short tail and furry ears helping Allara recognise him as the cat that had been with Angela, Solembum the witch had called him.

Allara winced when a claw like mind tried to scratch its way into her own making her and her two companions huddle their minds together to keep it at bay until Angela placed a firm hand on the young woman's shoulder and shook her head, indicating with it that it was Solembum. And so Allara calmed down the two dragons and slowly opened her mind to the large cat.

"Hello there Allara, Drogos, Embar" a smooth voice greeted them "It is a pleasure to meet you. As you might now know that I am Solembum. I simply wanted to meet you"

"Hello Solembum. It is a pleasure to meet you properly as well" Allara bowed her head.

"I would not go into that town alone" the cat hissed lowly, making everyone else turn their attention to him "I smelt something from a few days ago that smelled weird"

The three two legs and the two dragons lifted their heads to stare at the town found downhill. Drogos and Embar flicked their tongues out, their wings spreading slightly in front of the group in a protective barrier as they growled from the smell of something dark in the air.

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