ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔗𝔥𝔦𝔯𝔱𝔢𝔢𝔫

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She showed him the paper Eragon had written out for her. He barely even looked at it and simply smiled at Allara as he moved aside and disappeared back into the trees.

"That was more than strange" Embar huffed out.

The two dragons followed behind Allara as the woman tried to find her way through the thick forest trees.

"Do you even know where your going?" Drogos hissed.

They were all three of them tired and hungry even with the energy Agaravel had tried relinquishing to them.

"Why don't we ask Agaravel?" Embar asked them, tired of their arguing.

"Nyke doubt ziry knows skoriot..." Allara begun (I doubt she knows where...).

"Of course I know where we have to go" Agaravel cut her off.

"What?!" "What?!" "What?!" the three of them protested as the dragon in the Eldunarí begun to glow and lead the way through the forest.

"You didn't ask earlier. This way" the she dragon said mockingly.


Arya and Firnen rushed to the edge of the forest where Gilderien the Wise had sent the warning from. Ever since the war ended many people had tried to find the hidden elven city so they had taken a further step in protection until the whole thing blew over.

Firnen soon caught a new scent that hadn't ever been near the forest and Arya hopped onto him so they could follow the scent.


"Someone is following us" Drogos' usually easy going attitude changed in a second, his body tensing and his wings raising over the ground a little as he prepared himself to fly up.

"Wait. I have a spell to make them not see us" Agaravel said quickly.

"Really?" Allara asked her.

"It will take the last of my remaining energy to do so but I can do it if it gets us away from whoever is following us. It's something of dragon magic" the she dragon muttered a few words in what Glaedr had called the Ancient Language and the other three felt a ripple go through their body.

Allara looked into the river that was running by the forest and looked down at where their reflection should be which it was not anymore.

"Impressive. You'll have to teach Allara that one" Embar said as she too saw how her massive body couldn't be seen.

"Shh. We might be invisible but we are not silent" Agaravel said.


Arya and Firnen stopped right at the bank of the river.

"Ha ends hi" the green young dragon said (It ends here).

Arya slid down from her partner to touch the ground.



"Did she say Arya?" Allara asked through her mind, trying her best to pass her thoughts to her partners.

"It must be the princess Eragon told us about" Drogos said.

"Agaravel take off the spell please" Embar asked.


Arya and Firnen tensed when the air in front of them rippled and two dragons appeared along with a human woman. The dragons were so big they towered a lot over Firnen as Glaedr once would have done the woman had silver hair, once she removed her metal helmet, which was strange for a human as young as she looked like, and an armour over her body.

 The dragons were so big they towered a lot over Firnen as Glaedr once would have done the woman had silver hair, once she removed her metal helmet, which was strange for a human as young as she looked like, and an armour over her body

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"Atra...esterni on telduin?" Allara said hesitantly as she remembered what Eragon told her to say if she met the elven queen (May good fortune rule over you).

"Atra du evarínya ono varda" Arya responded, feeling less wary, but only slightly less so (May the stars watch over you).

"Un ara mor'ranr life uin hjarta onr" Allara responded quickly so as to try and hear herself make less mistakes (May peace live in your heart)

"Who are you? And your...partners?" Arya asked Allara in English as she had to crane her head up to stare at the black and red dragon and the turquoise female.

The elven queen would lie if she told anyone she wasn't worried about how big the two dragons were. She didn't miss the fact that they didn't have front legs like their dragons and were bulkier but that didn't seem like an issue at the moment.

"I am Allara Stark, these are Drogos and Embar. We've come here because Eragon told us you could train us here in Ellesmera" Allara said the name of the forest a bit questioningly as she still didn't know how to speak the Ancient Language.

"Eragon? But he has been away from there for at least a week"

"Well do you mind if we go somewhere where we can speak more comfortably?" Allara asked, she didn't even want to smell how she smelled after so many days of travel without landing or showering.

"You can tell us here" apparently this Arya woman wasn't risking it.

For the third time Allara had to retell where they came from and how they got there with little interjections from Drogos and Embar here and there where she didn't remember some things.

"Mmmhm" Arya stared at Allara making the human woman shuffle uncomfortably when she stepped closer to inspect her. Up close Allara had the chance to inspect the elven woman better.

She had long, silky black hair woven with silver threads and her features were sharp and cold. Her eyes were the most striking facial feature them being dark green and melding with the forest environment perfectly. She was even taller than Allara who, despite having inherited her mother's height, stood nearly a head under the elf.

On the exact centre of her forehead the elf had a silver tiara decorated with a blue jewel shaped like a drop of water.


At the same time, Arya also observed the human woman before her. Up close and without her metal helmet on the color of her hair was far brighter and white with a slight peachy undertone. Her skin was a bit tan and her lips were dark and full. Her eyes were a mix of violet and hazelnut brown framed by dark eyelashes contrary to her hairs on her head.

She was decently tall for a human woman and her frame properly toned with lean muscles she could see from under her clothes. Arya looked into the woman's soul and saw the magic she held.

Before Arya could question her more, she spotted the Eldunarí stone in one of the bags the dragon wore on his back which glowed a bit as if it was conversing with her.

"Come" she said, motioning for Allara and the dragons to follow to follow them into the city.

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