ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔉𝔬𝔯𝔱𝔶 𝔖𝔢𝔳𝔢𝔫

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The Other unsheathed their jagged sword and placed it under the Ra'zac's chin making its hood fall off from its shaved head.

"Do you wish for another opportunity to prove yourself?" the Other sort of cooed threateningly.

Even as the Ra'zac began to nod its head, the Other swiped their sword back and down, effectively cutting its head down.

"Clean this up" they ordered one of the few living experiments they still kept.

As the tainted former human tried to haul the black body off, its legs fell apart under it, followed by the waist and torso. The Other looked down angrily at the now melting head of the thing they had created before stepping on it and crushing the bald head, making their throne room even more messy with blood and decaying brain matter.


"Wait a second" Angela stopped Allara from continuing "So, this blood in you makes certain members of that same line fire proof?"

"Not fire proof per say, just very resistant to high heats" Allara clarified.

In the show Dany is known to be fire proof but in the books it does not state she is completely unhurt by fire, simply very high heats.

"And that was shy that blood did not burn you" Angela said, her scientist side coming out "Allara, if this is not too forward, may I take a blood sample from you?"

"Huh?" Allara stared at the woman as she rushed off somewhere without allowing her to respond "Has, has she always been like that?"

Vanir nodded as he hid his smirk under his dark hair. Allara smiled at his amusement but turned to the now arriving woman, a small glint of fear as she came with a syringe looking object.

"Angela? What is that?"

"Oh its nothing, simply what I am going to use to extract a bit of your blood" the woman replied with a large smile.

"Nope" Allara shook her head and went to hide behind Vanir "Nope, nope, nope..."

"Come on Allara" the witch chased the younger woman behind the elf who remained still as they ran around him "You cannot convince me you are afraid of a needle when you sleep next to two dragons and live with them in your home. Vanir"

"Noooooo" Allara clawed at Vanir's forearms as the male tried holding her still.

"It will take just a second Allara calm dad" he said to the woman he was restraining (calm down).

Allara gave up and turned her head away from the needle that was getting closer to the skin in the inner side of her elbow, shoving her nose into the elf's chest as she felt the stinging pain of the needle going into her skin.

"Aaaaand, I'm done" Angela removed the object from Allara's skin and the cup that was now filled no more than about half a cup of red blood.

Vanir removed his hands from the woman's shoulders. Allara remained pushed against him for a few more seconds, actually using it as an excuse to bring in his pine fresh smell, and then removed herself from him.

"Allara!" the sharp shout from Drogos made Allara squint her eyes.

"I'm fine" she said aloud before correcting herself "I mean, I'm fine"

"I'm going to see exactly what makes you so interesting" the woman giggled crazily as she bounded away, careful of the sloshing blood in her cupped hands.

"That wasn't so bad now was it?" Vanir asked the woman in an amused tone of voice.


"I'm done waiting" the Other said "Fuck those nobles who wanted me to wait! Actually..." they let a dark smirk come up to his lips as he decided to pay the few nobles who had decided to revolt against the new proclaimed queen "...time for a visit to those stuck up assholes"


The three men, lords that the Other had referred to, were seated at the table in the palace of Dras Leona.

"How much will that dam Shade take to finish things" the eldest of the three growled out.

"I will take as much time as I need" the three lords snapped their heads as their hands went to their sword guards only to realize they had left their weapons outside, and the Shade was accompanied by two larger than normal men with fresh scarring on their faces.

The Shade lowered their hood letting the three males in front of them see his features.

Their red hair and eyes remained the same as the rest of his 'kind' and they had several tattooed scars on their angular face, with their eyebrows permanently furrowed in a menacing expression

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Their red hair and eyes remained the same as the rest of his 'kind' and they had several tattooed scars on their angular face, with their eyebrows permanently furrowed in a menacing expression.

"Other" yes that is how they name the Shade as they did not want humans to name them "You did not inform us that you would visit us"

"I did not I think someone such as myself needed to do so" the Shade dragged their long finger across the table as he stalked closer to the men, making them squirm away.

"No...not at all" another lord answered "How is the experiment coming along?"

"Mhmmm" the Other continued his way closer to the three men as the other two 'bodyguards' held the men down with vice like grips "I am tired of waiting"

"Wait. Wait Other we need a little more time before we..." the only man not restrained tried to stand up from his seat only to have his neck slashed open by the jagged sword from the Shade.

"As I said, I am tired of waiting" they repeated.

"Then, then let us move to the next stage. We grant you permission and..."

"Thank you my lords. That was all. I have no need to speak with you any longer" the two remaining men relaxed in their seats as the red haired Shade turned to leave the room until they turned around "But I do not believe I asked for permission"

With a jerk from their hand, the two grey skinned 'men' took action and stabbed the other two lords a few times before they themselves fell as their bodies gave into the devastating effects of the blood they had in them.

The Other smirked and went to walk back to his 'home' while throwing their hood back over the already dark features, the smirk widening when they heard the piercing scream of the maid who had gone to see if the room needed cleaning or anything else.

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