ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔗𝔴𝔢𝔫𝔱𝔶 𝔈𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱

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"Do not fret over me dear one" Embar closed her eyes when Allara stroked over her large nose horn "Get on my dimwited brother and let us go"

"Hey!" Drogos snapped his head to his sister startling the elf and baby dragon who were both now comfortably situated on his back "Sorry, sorry"

Allara wasted no time in holding onto the hook at the end of the wing and wait for Drogos to do as he normally did to raise her onto her place in front of the elven male.

"All right Angela. Embar knows where to go so just hold onto her and try to keep Agaravel's Eldunarí from falling!" she got across to the other woman "Drogos! Embar! Sōvegon!"

With a roar the two dragons lurched forward in a short run, one after the other, and into the air. Their serpentine bodies snaking into the clouds that then hid them.


The tree tops were disturbed wildly from the winds made by the large wings of the two dragon siblings as they darted into the skies.

"Well then, I will show you to your rooms lords" Arya walked off leaving the three males staring up with open mouths, behind.


'"What is it?!" a voice accentuated by a low rasp asked the quivering in front of them.

Without a word or a raise of his head, the man on his knees presented the figure before him with a dirty bag that looked as if it covered something. When the other being in the room stood from his dark seat, the man dropped the bag in fear, a few of the pitch black eggs, that looked as if coated in a slimy substance, it had been enveloping rolling onto the cold floor of the dark room.

The man at the bottom of the stair leading up to the makeshift throne of black bent metal cowered as he kept his head low.

"Raise your head" the voice ordered. When the man did not do so immediately they raised their voice "Now!"

He did so, only to be met by the darkness of the hood covering the other's face.

"You have done good" a deadly pale hand came up to stroke his cheek, long sharp nails trailing dangerously close to his aorta.

The man let out a relieved sigh as the figure drew away from him. A moment later his eyes widened when he registered the pain in his neck. He chocked on his own blood as the scarlet bright liquid burst out from his neck in quick succession and down his hands as he tried to desperately hold the wound shut but to no avail.

The other 'person' in the room sat back down on his 'throne' as the man bled to death at the bottom of their stairs, the red blood decorating the cold marble floors with the occasional sudden splurt of it forcing its way from behind the man's hands.

I'm calling them Other for now

The Other waited for the spluttering noises to end before he called for another man just as miserable looking as the first.

"Clean this up" they hissed at them and took the eggs from the ground, the hem of their robe staining slightly with fresh blood as they knelt to grab the few last ones before stalking out of the room'.

Eragon opened his eyes with a gasp only to meet the bright blue eye of Saphira who loomed over him.

"Eragon are you alright?" she asked him as she let him lean himself onto her nose.

"I just had the strangest dream" he said whilst he tried to catch his breath.

"Eragon, I do not believe that was a dream" the blue she dragon looked worried.

"Saphira is correct" Glaedr spoke up "That cannot have been a normal dream. Something is happening in Alagaësia. You must warn Queen Arya"

Eragon jumped to his feet and ran into the room he had claimed when he got to the island.


In Ilirea, a young girl that looked no older than 16 sat with an unfinished piece of knitting in between her hands and her piercing violet eyes focused on the window at her side.

"Elva?" a woman's voice snapped the younger girl out of her thoughts "What is it? What is wrong?"

"Nothing" the girl told her nanny "I do not believe it is nothing"

And so the girl ignored the uneasiness that filled her chest in favour of joining the queen for tea.


Allara was watching as Angela asked Embar to do the craziest stunts as long as the bags did not fall off of the she dragon's back. The witch, for that was what Vanir had told her the woman was, was clearly savouring every moment of the ride. She had been told that the cat Solembum would be making the trip on land and would follow a few days behind them.

"Drogos lua se trip hae comfortable hae ao kostagon" she asked the red and black beast beneath her (Drogos keep the trip as comfortable as you can).

The dragon responded with a grunt and the stride of his wings seemed to soften, his sister settling besides him at the same easy pace.

"Allara" the young woman turned on her place as Vanir directed himself to her "Is there any possibility you might...be willing to teach me a bit about your human customes?"

"Of course" Allara smiled since she knew the elf was having a hard time putting aside his pride to ask that favour of her "They might not be the same as the ones from here. Why not ask Angela?"

"Fuck yeah!" They heard the woman exclaim as Embar let herself drop a few feet below Drogos.

Vanir gave Allara a pointed look as she realised the other woman was probably less qualified at the moment to 'teach' Vanir about those things.

"Of course" she smiled at him "If you keep up the Ancient Language lessons with me"

"Naturally" he told her with a rare smile on his handsome features.

"Naturally" he told her with a rare smile on his handsome features

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Less menacing of course.


A red dragon flew above the sea as far from Alagaësian territory as you could find it. In the Eastern Reaches. Its Rider sat atop the creature with a helmet on his head to hide his features. White feathers caught his eye as a pure dove struggled to keep up with the dragon's rythm.

The man raised a palm so the bird could find rest on it and took the note he noticed attached to its foot. He unrolled it right as the dragon landed on an island, the contents making him ask the dragon to burn it.

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