ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔗𝔴𝔢𝔫𝔱𝔶 𝔒𝔫𝔢

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Another silence surrounded Allara as the lords soon lost interest in her again. She reached forward to bring her own goblet closer to herself and smell its contents. It smelled of alcohol and she took a sip and then a proper drink from it. The drink burned slightly down her throat but it wasn't much compared to the drinks her mother had shared with her and her brother Jonnel on their coming of age name day.

"What is this?" she asked Vanir, who was spoken over by Rhunön.

"We call it moonshine" the elven woman told her as she too took a swig of the drink "Do you like it?"

"It's different from what I usually have" Allara shrugged her shoulders "Softer"

"Softer?" Rhunön laughed "I'd like to see the drinks you have back in your home land"

The remainder of the night Allara spent it listening to the elven lords recounting old tales from battles they had been to and fought in.


Drogos and Embar caught the eyes of the green dragon named Firnen as they exited the place where Allara was going to be dining with the other two legs.

"Awww, look at him" Embar cooed as she watched the baby dragon Umaroth falling asleep on Drogos' back.

"Shut up" Drogos grumbled, earning himself a smug look from his sister and a confused one from the green dragon leading them away from the festivities.

"Where are you taking us?" Embar asked Firnen whilst reaching her mind out to him.

"Here" the dragon answered as he finally stopped.

There was a stone table large enough for all three of them to be sat, ladened with piles of fruit and small tarts.

"What is this?" Drogos crinkled his nose and sniffed the tarts.

"Oh, they look nice" Embar ambled forward and snapped up one at first.

"What about meat?" Drogos asked the green dragon.

"We prefer not to hunt meat animals near elven cities since the smell of dead blood could taint the air and water" Firnen said.

"So, like Glaedr and the others told us" Embar said to her brother "Try one of these Drogos, they are great"

Drogos saw his sister's mouth sprinkled all over with crumbs of the tarts and decided to try one. The taste was a bit too bland for his taste, the fact that he usually didn't enjoy vegetables was also a factor in his decision on how it was. Contrary to that, he liked fruits after he had tried them several times in the land of Dorne, so he ate a few of those.


Allara had finished her dinner and was talking with Rhunön about the different ways they both made their swords.

"So your people use magic as well?" the elf asked her.

"Indeed. We use blood magic, same as they did to bond us with dragons" Allara smiled at the elf's enthusiasm.

Rhunön up until this point had treated Allara like a normal person and not a noble by calling her only by her name. Both females had taken a liking to each other especially when talking about weapons. Although Rhunön had made the bow to never again make swords and for a lady like Allara it was still weirdly seen to wield a weapon, despite the gender advances going on in Westeros.

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