ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔗𝔥𝔦𝔯𝔱𝔶 𝔑𝔦𝔫𝔢

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"Will you be staying out here?" Nasuada asked them "Ilirea did have dragon stables during Galbatorix's reign and I believe that was a part of the palace which was not destroyed. That way I believe you will both feel more comfortable due to your...sizes"


Nasuada was still more than stunned when she first saw the dragons. They were more than several feet taller and longer than Saphira or Thorn, about the size of the golden dragon that Nasuada was told about, Glaedr. The one that died and became and Eldunarí.

The turquoise one was evidently female from what she could tell due to the voice in her head when the dragon spoke to her. She had a kinder and more mature appearance than her brother who was more intimidating as he looked down upon her and her men. He was even bigger than his sister.

 He was even bigger than his sister

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As a reminder of their sizes.

She had told them they could stay in Ilirea's dragon stables because if the rumores and other information they had received from the elven queen were true, having a few grown dragons would do no bad.


Embar asked Allara to translate to the queen since she didn't have as much practice as the human did making the woman tell the dark skinned queen that the two...sorry three of them, would be honoured to take a place in the dragon stables.

"We'll go now and place the things in the stables and you come there later on" Drogos told Allara "And you join us there for tonight as all nights"

"I'll see if I can Drogos" she laughed lightly as she patted his snout "Now go and take Umaroth with you"

The queen waited with them as the two dragons had Vanir's and Allara's bags bound back onto their backs. Umaroth once more scrambled on top of the she dragon's head settling there before the dragons soared into the sky for the umpteenth time that day and they went in the direction Agaravel told them to go.

"Now, if you will follow me to the conference room" Nasuada clasped her hands in front of her "There is much we need to talk about"

Allara and Vanir followed right behind the queen and Angela, the younger woman of the three feeling a little unsettled by the full open stare of the violet eyed girl who was trailing behind Allara.

They continued like that until the queen stopped in front of a room the guards opened the door of. The group entered and sat themselves, Vanir and Allara waiting for Angela to signal where they should sit down.

"As mentioned before, there are many things that are necessary we talk about" Nasuada said as her chair was pulled back for her to seat herself at the table.

After that she waited for the guards to leave them alone in the room before she started to speak.

"There have been several attempts on the leaders of some of the larger cities such as Dras-Leona or Lithgow and those were after the sightings of dark capped figures" Nasuada placed her head in her hands leaned against the table "As I have been told by queen Arya, you have agreed to join us to help against whatever has recently come out"

"Indeed I have, but I am not sure what we can do against something we know nothing off" Allara said "Your highness"

"Just with having a rider here makes people's hopes lift" the queen said "It ensures the people that we have the support of the elves on our side"

"And you do your highness" Vanir said with a bow of his head.

"Ser Cuarth" the queen called out, making a knight come into the room.

"My queen?"

"Call for my advisors and send a letter to the king Orik and king Orrin" the man nodded and left the room "Angela could you and Solembum call for the werecats' king?"

"Of course, I'll pay a visit to my old friend Grimrr Halfpaw" the woman said in a scary tone of voice.

Solembum sighed, his cat whiskers moving as he did so and he leapt down from his table and followed the woman as she headed to the door.

"We'll be back in no time" Angela waved her hand "Todeloo"

The room was left silent before the queen pinched her forehead and stood as well from her place.

"Elva, take the riders to the guest rooms" she told the younger girl "I'll call for you after they representatives of each race are here so you can tell them your story. We need to find out what had been happening here"

"Follow me please" the kid asked them.

Vanir and Allara did as she asked and accompanied her to some of the rooms higher up in the palace. As Allara was admiring the room, she felt rather uncomfortable when the young girl had gone into the room after her and was now standing right behind her.

"Can...can I help you?" she asked, turning to the girl with an awkward smile.

"You feel...weird" the girl responded, not really answering her question.


"If Eragon has not told you before, he tried to bless me when I was a babe about three years before Galbatorix's death"

"Three years ago?" that didn't make sense seeing as the girl looked a bit over fifteen years old.

"The blessing went wrong due to a small error he made when he gave it to me" the girl said with no apparent worrying from what she was saying "His blessing made me feel the pain of others around me but, but" she continued as Allara's expression turned into one of shock "it also gave me other abilities. He came back with the offer to fix it but I refused. With them I can see other people's pain as I did before but I can also do other certain abilities that I am still unaware off"

"So...you can read what I feel or think?" Allara asked.

She still hadn't gotten the whole magic thing in this world figured out so she was very confused.

"Something like that" the girl shrugged her eyebrows "Oh, I bet the queen organises a banquet for your arrival. I'll ask the seamstress to make a dress for you, unless you have one on you?"

"Strangely enough, I do" Allara said.

"Good. After the queen announces your intentions to the other rulers you will be called out to do whatever she requieres you both to do"

The girl turned around and closed the bedroom door without her.

"Allara" she heard Agaravel's voice in her head making her drop the folded dress she had grabbed to put into the wardrobe.

"Agara...I mean Agaravel. Is there something wrong?" she asked as she changed from speaking out loud to mental communication.

"Nothing is wrong, it's just that Drogos, Embar and even the little hatchling have been asking for you and the elf" she told Allara.

"Give me a moment and I'll call Vanir" Allara told her.

With a sigh, Allara raked a hand through her silver hair, noticing now that it was out of its braids that it had grown so very long.

"I'll have to cut it later" she muttered to herself as she got up to change her horse smelling clothes and clean up.

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