ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔗𝔥𝔦𝔯𝔱𝔶 𝔗𝔥𝔯𝔢𝔢

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They all moved the girl's body over to a cart so they could bury it after and then they slip up even though it wasn't really the best decision to do so. Allara held back a gasp when she came up to an alley where children's bodies littered all across the street, all with matching burns to the previous girl.

Allara pursed her lips and whistled loudly, the shrill noise echoing through the rest of the town. As she waited for the other two to come to her and she tried to check if anyone else was alive, she looked down at her arm where goosebumps were raising on her skin and her hair was lifting.

As discretely as she could with the weight of the young boy's body on her arm, she reached over to her sword on her hip. When she heard the familiar hiss from her dream she swung her sword back, catching a small black figure and slicing right through its middle.

At the same time as she shouted in surprise, Vanir and Angela reached her. The sound of beating wings in the air getting closer when Drogos and Embar also came down from the forest.

"My God, what is that?" Embar snarled, her lip raising up.

The figure now cut in half was a young and misfigured Ra'zac, looked like a youngling. It's large bug eyes and beak-like mouth were black and it was gurgling out black and green goo. It had a misshapen bald head and dark skin, fully dark grey and black.

This is my view of a Ra'zac, at least a younger one. Just imagine the beak is there. The drawing is too dark to tell where it is😅. Still, do you like it?

It body was even thinner than the one in Allara's dream but she supposed it was because it was a youngling. It's ribs protruded out of the torso in a sickly manner, as did its waist bone.

The second half of his body that had been cut off under the waist was just as disgusting looking, with bone thing legs and taloned feet with rather blunt claws as they weren't fully formed yet.

"A hatchling" Angela said as she kicked the Ra'zac "Most likely left here or forgotten due to being too young"

"The adults in the town have left and all the children appear to have been left behind and killed" Vanir said.

"Let's just bury these bodies first. We'll leave later and Vanir can give the new information to the queen" Allara said.

She and Angela begun to slide the bodies out into the forest as respectfully as was possible and Allara watched as Angela chanted some elvish spell that dug out different individual graves for each body. All the while Allara felt sad of the fate of these children. When they were done, Vanir ambled up the hill to join them

"The queen Arya has been informed of what has happened and she told the lords from Ilirea. So they are also on their way back to the queen"

"Can I eat this?" Drogos said with his usual gluttony as he lowered his head down to the sliced body of the Ra'zac that Angela had brought up with them to 'investigate' the dead body.

"No! That is my experiment" Angela tried to push the dragon's large head away from the black body of the Ra'zac to no avail.

"Sure" Allara told the dragon "Angela, you cannot experiment on this thing. You can do so if we find some adults"

That seemed to pacify the witch lady as she got out of the way of the black and red dragon and let him curl his tongue out to snap up the creature, but not before Angela checked the thing for any flasks that might have the oil.

The dragon snapped his jaws over the body, the sound of the frail bones of the hatchling thing breaking dryly as the large sharp teeth broke into it.


Drogos licked his chops, grimacing slightly at the sour taste of the 'things' blood on his tongue.

"How does it taste brother?" Embar asked him from behind as she tried to get a better whiff at its smell.

"Sour" he said, his forked tongue licking his gums off the taste "Not exactly bad but it is a weird taste"

"It's not for you kid" Embar said, pushing back Umaroth as the white dragon stretched his neck further forward to sniff the remaining Ra'zac blood staining the grass.

"Yes" a soft male voice sounded in everyone's minds.


"Did...did you hear that?" Allara asked the elf at her side.

The male elf nodded, a smile grazing his face as he knelt down to his companion. He pet the dragon's top of the head.

"Good. The baby dragon started speaking" Angela cooed "Now we really should get out. If a hatchling of the Ra'zac was here then there must be others. We still don't know where they have been keeping themselves but they must have a master or someone else that is hatching their eggs. We aren't even sure that how many there are"

"I think like this makes it that much more important to go see the queen you all talk about and warn her" Allara said "Come on let's leave"

"Wait, maybe we should arrive on horse. Let the dragon be a 'surprise'. Besides, we do not know who we is watching for dragons" Angela said.

"Do you see horses close to here?" Allara asked the witch.

"Yes, indeed I do" Angela turned both the elf and the young woman to the fields where people usually kept their horses "They either forgot the horses or they don't need steeds. I'm assuming that the adults they took are for slavery or something"

"Then let us go get some horses" Vanir said.

"So, no more riding?" Drogos said in a pouty tone.

"Kessa. Yn mērī syt sir" Allara said to the dragon (Yes. But only for now).


The people of Bullridge were being led by a rope that attached them to each other. Most had brought in by wooden cage pulled by dark horses with what appeared to be red eyes. The humans trembled in the cold of the place they had been taken to.

"Is that all there was in that town?" the Other asked the guard at their side as he watched when the rest of the guards down below forced the people into some sort of black cells with others.

"We 'left' the children as you ordered" the man quoted with his finger "And the city was smaller than we though"

"How many more towns can we go to?" the Other turned and stalked his way back onto his dark chair, the hood covering his face shadowing his features so that they were not visible.

"There are plenty my liege" the guard said nervously.

"Then get me more humans so I can begin their change" the Other said menacingly "And place the eggs you found with the others"

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