ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔖𝔢𝔳𝔢𝔫𝔱𝔢𝔢𝔫

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The very day after they met Saphira, who Embar didn't really like too much, and Eragon, they decided to go to the land of the elves where Eragon said they would receive both help and training. Agaravel had been feeding them energy to get safely through the trip, which had felt strange at first until it then felt refreshing.

Now here they were, meeting a whole city of elves that worshipped dragons.

"Allara is with one of the male pointy eared two legs" Embar relayed to her brother through their minds like Glaedr had taught them to do.

"And?" he asked still blinded by sleep.

"He is quite a looker for a two legs and you know Allara likes her lookers"

Drogos jumped from his comfortable place on the nest built out of the tree stumbling down clumsily as he tried his best to hurry his way to where his sister and Allara were.

"I'm on my way!" he shouted back to her.


Vanir, Allara and a few other elves who had started to gather around them to get a better look at Embar had to brace themselves as the black dragon landed nearby, hard.

"And this is Drogos" Allara presented her palm to the black and red dragon who was seething out heavy breaths letting his sharp front fangs be seen.

"Where is he?" Drogos turned his head from side to side "Where is the male that dares try to...Oh him?" he asked when he saw the closest two legs to Allara "He's not that attractive"

"Drogos what the hell?" Allara shouted as he snuck his massive head between Allara and Vanir to try and make distance between the two of them.

"I missed you" he said as an excuse.

"I slept with you all night" she protested as she accepted his lovings all the matter.

Drogos only made a few noises as he continued to push Vanir away from Allara.

"It is a pleasure to meet you Drogos" Vanir did a strange sort of bow to the dragon.

"Well, well maybe he is okay" Drogos said humbly, moving his head away from the elf in question.

"Forgive him" Allara told the elf who was staring at the elves.

"It is fine" Vanir shook his head.


Vanir didn't feel as annoyed by the human woman as he had in the beginning. He also considered it an opportunity to learn more about humans and their ways before he went out as the new ambassador between the elves and the humans so he would know how to act around them.

He saw the gir...Allara, it was going to be hard for him to get used to calling her so informally, start to walk down the side of the black dragon.

"What are you doing?" he asked her.

"I'm going to fly with my friends" she said as if it were obvious "They need more room to stretch their wings. Usually in our home lands we fly around a lot more"

"But we have not even begun the guide..." Vanir said.

"Then we do so on air" Allara shrugged her shoulders as if it didn't matter.

Vanir watched her as the woman climbed up the dragon's side placing her feet on certain scales. Allara turned around, her hadn holding onto Drogos' side for balance as she was still half way up.

"What are you waiting for?" she said before she continued to make her way onto the black dragon's back.

Vanir looked behind him to see Embar staring straight at him with her bright eyes.

"May I, Embar?" he asked her despite the she dragon having her neck turned to him.

With a huff the blueish dragon moved her head up and down in a nod and Vanir also carefully climbed up her side. He was an elf so as he did so he was still nimble and quick enough to do it in no time. Vanir sat down on the warm scales on the back of the large she dragon and looked confused as to where to grab onto.

"Reach forward and grab the spike in front of you!" Allara shouted at him from on top of Drogos.

Looking down Vanir saw a few mildly long horns, which was the only place she seemed to have the spike, and wrapped a hand around the largest one.

"Sir pār. Embar! Drogos! Sōvegon!" Allara shouted at the two dragons (Now then. Embar! Drogos! Fly!).

Vanir nearly let a scream of shock come out from his mouth when the dragons leapt into the sky in unison making the leaves of the tops of the trees blow around and the elves that had been standing far too close to them stumble down.


Arya looked out from her study window as a few shocked and/or excited gasps from her people echoed audibly and caught the two newcome dragons flying off. She would have thought they were leaving if it weren't for the surprising sight of Vanir on the female dragon called Embar. Unmeant to her, Arya let a chuckled escape her lips.

She looked down and her attitude became somber again when she read the reports of whispers of a hooded shadow slinking from human town to human town, leaving several deaths in its wake. There might be more than one as several had been seen at the same time.

Arya had honestly only accepted Allara and the two dragons to stay in their home forest and agreed to train them because the elven queen had a dark feeling about something and she felt the need to have more soldier and fighters for it.


"So?!" Allara shouted to Vanir as the elf was slowly getting used to the feeling of flying.

He was actually happy he was getting to fly a dragon before having to wait for Umaroth to grow enough.

Drogos let Embar take the lead and the she dragon allowed the elf sat upon her to direct her around the long expanse of green forest, signalling the different elven cities and places where Drogos and Embar could eat meat far.

As he explained, Firnen and the other dragons that visited Ellesmera ate meat far away from the elven populations so the blood of the animals didn't stain the air and water near the elves.

He was having to shout over the sound of rushing winds as he pointed his finger at the different locations. Embar flew back to the main city so they could land again near one of the empty field areas that was large enough for the two massive dragons to land side by side.

The guide had been quick and simple since the whole 'flying on dragons' had made it faster.

"Well, that's done with now" Allara said as she helped herself off of Drogos "Thank you for the tour Vanir"

"Cín welcome" the elf said in elvish. When he saw the confused look on the woman's face his resolved cracked ever so slightly and he translated it "It means 'Your welcome'"

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