ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔉𝔬𝔯𝔱𝔶 𝔉𝔦𝔳𝔢

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Grimrr Halfpaw raised his head and Nar Garzhvog payed more intent attention as Allara started using her father's fighting style.

The sudden change of style was enough to catch the elf unaware and it lead to Allara having her sword pointed to his throat while she panted.

"I win" she said victoriously.


Vanir smiled up at her and took her hand when she offered it to him. Allara took notice of the small crowd that had gathered and had been watching their exchange and lowered her head to hide her embarrassed look. Then only times she had been observed so intently it had been during the royal tourneys for the Targaryen queen, and even then it had not been so aimed at her since she was a woman.

Once the elf was standing, Allara bent over and rested her hands on her knees as she continued to drink in air.

"Are you alright?" Vanir asked her while pressing his open hand on her back.

Allara nodded to reassure him and she incorporated herself to resheath Ânogar. She turned when she heard heavy clapping.

"You are good Rider" Nar Garzhvog told her.

"Thank you" she responded a bit awkwardly.

As the kull tried to continue talking to her, a white furred werecat with soft green eyes came up to the young woman and rubbed itself against her knee. Hesitantly Allara bent down and passed her hand down the feline's back hearing it purr.

"That is Shadowhunter" Angela appeared out of nowhere with her hands behind her back and Allara saw how the supposed king of the werecats backed away from the witch with his ears pinned back "She is the queen of the werecats"

At that, Allara snapped her hand back from the female werecat afraid that she had offended her somehow only for the cat to protest with a meow. Soon she was surrounded by sniffing giant werecats so Allara suspected that Shadowhunter had told them something about her, so she let them.

"Allara you seem to have a knack with them" Angela told her even as the crowd continued to stare at the stranger.

"I always liked being around larger animals" she said, shrugging her shoulders as another feline rubbed against her legs.

"Is there any more surprises for us?" Angela asked as a joke.

"Nop" Allara denied.

She continued to notice the looks from the people that were now starting to train around them and excused herself.

"Drogos! Embar!" she shouted in her mind.

"No need to shout. We're right here" Embar came out from the bushes near the edge of the city "What is it?"

"You want to fly?" Allara asked with a smirk.



Vanir and Angela looked up as the shape of two large dragon shadowed the sun.

The rest of the people that were now out also stared up at the sky as the large majestic creatures pirouetted in the air above them.

"She really likes the dramatic flare, doesn't she?" Angela said as she stroked Shadowhunter's head.

"She does" Vanir said with a smile as he looked up, same as the rest.


"Let's give them a show" Allara told Embar as she leaned forward on the she dragon's neck.

Embar roared out loud and dived down and did indeed give a show as her brother followed on her tail. After a few turns in the air, Allara noticed something at the edge of the city.

"What is that?" Allara asked.

"I'm going to show you an easier way to see" Agaravel's voice startles Allara who turned not seeing the Eldunarí "Don't focus on where I am, just listen"

Allara straightened out and did as the female dragon explained to her and relaxed her mind as much as she could, which was hard.

Do you people know how hard it is to make your mind go blank!

"Skulblakas ven!" Allara felt a weird jostling sensation as she was pulled out of her own mind and into Embar's (Dragon sight!).

Her eyes were invaded by a barrage of colours, mostly yellows or blues. The figure beneath them that was now trying to make its way through the wall of the city was shown as a darker blue.

"I believe its a Ra'zac" Agaravel said in a slightly panicked tone underlaying her voice.

"Put me down Embar" Allara said as she shook herself out of the dragon's eyes when she felt her energy start to ebb far too much.

"Allara no" but the young woman ignored the warning and climbed down to Embar's claws.

She let the she dragon fly much closer to the ground and jumped off as close to the wall as she could, rolling a bit since Embar wasn't able to get too close because of her size. Still, Drogos landed right behind Allara.

As Agaravel told her, the figure trying to sneak in was a Ra'zac. It was covered in the dark robe that apparently they always wore covering its features and a jagged curved blade was hanging off of its hip.

"What might you be doing here all alone" Allara mumbled as she took out Ânogar to protect herself.

It hissed at her but didn't move since Drogos hissed right back. The Ra'zac tried to advance but the black dragon took another step forward. A cracking of branches made the dragon snap his head only to see a large man step out of the bushes with a huge two handed axe at his side. He wasn't nearly as big as the kull Allara had met recently but it was still tall and much bulkier than a normal human man.

The skin beneath his helmet was dark-grey and cracked and he charged at Drogos, stupidly. The Ra'zac took that chance to run and left the man alone who turned his head in its direction, making it easier for Drogos to clamp his jaws around the man.

"Don't kill him!" Allara told the dragon who stopped himself from actually snapping the man's neck in half "He might know what is going on here"


After the dragons had disappeared from the sky for a few minutes, they came back into the sky making Angela and the others look up.

"What are they carrying?" one of the men asked.

Vanir also looked up to see something dangling off of the black dragon's black claws as Allara and the dragons landed.

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