ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔉𝔦𝔣𝔱𝔶 𝔗𝔥𝔯𝔢𝔢

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To her surprise, a crow had found its way to her shared room with the dragons wearing a letter on its leg. The moment Allara saw the stamp on the letter she laughed and opened it.

'Allara darling, wherever you are, I, your father and your brothers, as well as the rest of the royal family, miss you a lot and hope you are well.

If you receive this letter and when you do, please tell us how you are doing. And give our greetings to Drogos and Embar as well.

Love, your mother,

Lady Aurora Belgrave Stark'

Allara ran into the castle a few minutes later looking for a quill and paper, startling several of the servants there, and immediately wrote back to her mother.


A familiar pale haired woman and a bearded man looked up from their morning bed as a white dove landed on their bedroom window. Aurora, recognising the beginning of the handwriting on the letter, ran to unfurl it.

'Dear mother and father (and all others),

I am fine. Embar, Drogos and I got into a sudden storm and ended up in the most surprising land. You would not believe this...'

The letter went on to explain everything that had happened to their daughter and they smiled at each other before Cregan went to call their sons, Aurora smiled lightly.

"Alagaësia huh?" she said quietly as she remembered another series of books she loved back in her previous life "Like mother like daughter"


Despite all the movement in helping the continent the queen had a bit of trouble with searching for the remainder of the Ra'zac and eggs but it went well.

Allara, Drogos and Embar went back to Vroengard with Agaravel and went to speak with the Eldunarí and Eragon. Drogos strangely went quite well with Thorn when they met the dragon and Murtagh, who had to leave once more in case anyone heard he was in Alagaësia.

And then they went back to Du Weldenvarden where Vanir and the other elves were waiting. Allara was invited to another feast there and let Drogos and Embar go with Umaroth and Fírnen to hunt and speak.

"Allara, queen Nasuada has suggested you stay with us, to make you an official inhabitant of Alagaësia" the dark haired elf queen told her.

Allara's heart swelled with gratitude as she listened to the elf queen's words. Being offered the opportunity to become an official inhabitant of Alagaësia meant more to her than she could express. It was a chance to embrace her new home, to forge deeper connections with the land and its people.

"I am honoured by Queen Nasuada's suggestion" Allara replied, her voice filled with sincerity. "Alagaësia has become my home, and I would be proud to accept"

"We have witnessed your bravery and dedication to this land, Allara. Your presence will be a valuable asset to us all" The dark-haired elf queen smiled warmly, her eyes reflecting a deep understanding.

As the festivities of the feast continued, Allara found herself surrounded by a sense of belonging. She engaged in lively conversations with the elves, sharing stories of her past and listening intently to their tales of Alagaësia's rich history. It was a night of unity, of forging bonds that would strengthen their collective purpose. She had even been presented before the large tree that the elves considered a deity of the forest.

More so to her and Vanir's surprise, when she touched the tree she cut the palm of her hand and dismissed it until the mark of the cut healed during the night and grew to resemble Vanir's own dragon rider mark.

"It appears the forest wanted you to become a true rider" the queen said when she was told of it.

"Does that mean she shares a dragon rider's length of life?" Vanir asked.

"It appears so" the queen smiled.

Vanir and Allara shared a smile themselves and rejoiced. The woman was glad she would now have more time with the elf as it would give her more time to see where the strange feelings she got with him around.

In the days that followed, Allara immersed herself in the customs and traditions of the elves, learning their ancient languages and honing her skills with a bow. Vanir, her loyal companion, was always by her side, offering guidance and support as she navigated this new chapter of her life.

With time, Allara became an integral part of the elven community, working alongside them to restore and rebuild the war-torn regions of Alagaësia. Her passion and determination inspired those around her, igniting a spark of hope in the hearts of the people.

Meanwhile, Drogos and Embar thrived in their newfound home as well. They flew alongside Umaroth and Fírnen, exploring the vast expanse of Alagaësia's skies and revelling in the joy of flight.

The bond between dragon and rider grew stronger with each passing day, and Allara could see the transformation in her companions. They had found their true purpose and embraced it wholeheartedly.

As Allara continued to live alongside the elves, she grew closer to Vanir and the elf had gotten over his disgust of humans completely with her. She even joined him when he had to travel to his ambassador duties.

Together with the three dragons, now that Umaroth had grown enough and Drogos and Embar continued to grow, they even helped Eragon raise and train the new dragon riders that came up.


The elf and the human woman sat together, their heads leaning on each other as they watched the sunset of another day.

"Allara" the woman turned to the elf as he spoke to her "I wish to tell you something"

The woman got nervous and asked him what he wanted.

Allara's heart skipped a beat at the serious tone in the elf's voice. She looked at him, her eyes filled with a mix of anticipation and apprehension.

"I... I've been meaning to say this for a while now" the elf began, his voice tinged with a hint of vulnerability strange of him "Allara, I have developed feelings for you. Strong feelings that I cannot ignore any longer"

Allara's breath caught in her throat, her mind racing to comprehend his words. She had felt a deep connection with the elf throughout their journey, but she never expected these words to be spoken.

"I... I don't know what to say" Allara stammered, her voice barely a whisper "I never thought... I mean, I feel something too, but..."

"But we have faced death together, fought side by side, and shared moments of joy amidst the darkness. Allara, life is uncertain, and we must seize the moments that bring us happiness" the elf reached out, gently placing a hand on Allara's trembling fingers.

A sense of warmth enveloped Allara as she gazed into the elf's eyes, seeing the sincerity and depth of his emotions. Her nervousness slowly transformed into a feeling of possibility, of embracing the unknown.

"Allara" the elf said, his voice filled with tenderness "I understand if you need time to process this. But I wanted you to know how I feel"

Happy tears welled up in Allara's eyes as she nodded, overwhelmed by the weight of their shared connection. She knew that this journey had changed her in ways she couldn't fully comprehend yet, and perhaps, embracing love was a part of that transformation.

"Thank you for telling me" Allara whispered, her voice filled with a mix of vulnerability and hope "I also want you to know that you've touched my heart in ways I never thought possible"

They sat there, watching the sunset as the three dragons sat at their sides, their hearts filled with a mix of uncertainty and the promise of a new beginning. The future remained uncertain, but in that moment, they found solace in each other's presence, knowing that together, they would navigate whatever challenges lay ahead.

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