ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔉𝔦𝔣𝔱𝔶

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They all followed the sound of his voice to see a self made dungeon with cells filled by malnourished and dead bodies of villagers that had gone missing around the continent.

"Now we know where so many people have disappeared to" Rimmar sighed as he held up the limp hand of one of the dead women piled onto the other dead bodies.

"Who the fuck would do this?" Allara said as she covered her nose with her hand from the smell of rotting flesh.

She had never seen something like that back in Westeros and you could say that she was more than shocked at that.

"We have to go find them. I'm quite sure the perpetrator of this is in Dras Leona by now" Angela said "We'll have to come and bury these poor people after that"

The group agreed in silence as they left the cave and mountain to walk over to the city down below.

The journey from the hidden mountain chamber to Dras Leona was a somber one. The group walked in solemn silence, their minds filled with images of the gruesome discovery they had just witnessed. The weight of their mission hung heavily upon them, fuelling their determination to bring justice to those responsible for the heinous acts.

As they approached the city, the signs of the enemy's presence became more apparent. The once bustling streets now bore a haunting stillness, with boarded-up homes and deserted alleyways. Fear had gripped the hearts of the remaining residents, and the group knew that time was of the essence.

They navigated the empty streets with caution, eyes scanning their surroundings for any sign of movement. The air was thick with an unsettling tension, as if the city itself held its breath, anticipating their arrival. Skgahgrezh's senses were heightened, his feral instincts guiding the group through the labyrinthine pathways of the now dark city.

The enemy had wasted no time in invading the large city near the capital and it reached the people of the land.

They reached the center of the city, where the palace stood as a dark silhouette against the fading light of the day. The grandeur of the building was marred by the ominous atmosphere that surrounded it. Shadows danced on the walls, and the silence was broken only by the distant sound of their footsteps.

"Angela, any sense of where we should go?" Allara whispered, her voice barely audible as she and Vanir kept bringing up the rear of the group.

The witch closed her eyes, focusing her thoughts and extending her senses into the surroundings. After a moment, her eyes snapped open, determination etched upon her face.

"The underground catacombs," she replied, her voice filled with conviction.

With Angela leading the way, the group descended into the depths beneath the city. The air grew colder, and the faint smell of decay clung to the stone walls. The eerie glow of torchlight illuminated their path, casting long shadows that danced along the narrow corridors.

They came across locked cells, each holding captive souls who had fallen victim to the enemy's cruelty. The sight was heart-wrenching, a stark reminder of the atrocities they were fighting to end. Rimmar's hands clenched into fists, his anger simmering beneath the surface as he caught sight of even a few dwarves in the midst of the prisoners.

Every creature that was being held captive was unconscious so not a single sound could be heard.

"We will make them pay for this," the dwarf vowed, his voice filled with a quiet rage.

"Calm" the kull of the group told his dwarven partner.

The pair and Jörmundur took care of freeing as many of the people as they could while the remining three and the werecats went back up to where the lord's room was supposed to be.

And there on the large chair was another rotting corpse of a man with a shot trimmed white beard and a crown made of bones sat on his head.

"Do you like it?" a cold voice asked them as the door slammed shut.

From behind the throne, a hooded figure with a few visible red hairs under it.

"I believe it to be quite a good piece of art" the figure played with the crown on the dead man's head as the curtains of the windows opened to reveal the strung up bodies of the other two lords they had been told about hanging off against the wall.

Allara and Vanir kept their swords close to themselves as the Shade continued to walk closer to them. His hood went back to reveal his features in the same dramatic manner he had done so with the lords before he killed them, a rather evil smirk on his lips.

Angela still remained silent and appeared calm until five grey skinned men came out of the shadows.

"I'm getting bored and I do not like being bored, so how about we make this a game?" the Other said.

Allara's grip tightened around her sword as she locked eyes with the hooded figure, now revealed as the Shade responsible for the heinous acts they had uncovered. She felt a surge of anger and determination course through her veins, fuelling her resolve to put an end to this madness.

"I'm not interested in playing games," Allara replied, her voice laced with defiance. "We're here to stop you and save the innocent lives you've taken"

"Oh, but it will be such a thrilling game, my dear. The stakes are high, after all" the Shade let out a cold, mocking laugh, his eyes gleaming with sadistic pleasure.

Without warning, the five grey-skinned men lunged forward, their movements swift and coordinated. Allara's instincts kicked in, and she swiftly parried their attacks, her sword flashing through the air with precision. Vanir fought alongside her, his own sword cleaving through their foes with raw strength.

Amidst the chaos, Angela's hands moved with a grace that defied her age. She chanted incantations, unleashing powerful spells that sent shockwaves through the room, incapacitating their enemies and providing crucial support to Allara and Vanir.

But the Shade remained untouched, his twisted smile widening. He revelled in the violence unfolding before him, relishing the pain and suffering he had inflicted upon the land.

"Enough!" Allara shouted, her voice filled with a potent mixture of anger and determination.

She charged towards the Shade, her sword aimed directly at him. But the Shade was no ordinary adversary. He moved with unnatural agility, dodging Allara's strikes effortlessly. His laughter echoed through the chamber as he taunted her, his eyes burning with malevolence.

Allara refused to be deterred. She redoubled her efforts, attacking with renewed ferocity. Vanir, too, joined the assault, his powerful swings creating a whirlwind of steel and distracting the Shade a bit more.

As the battle raged on, the chamber trembled, the very foundation of the palace quaking beneath their feet. The intense clash between good and evil sent shockwaves reverberating through the air, shattering the silence that had once enveloped the city.

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