ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔖𝔢𝔳𝔢𝔫

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The two dragons were silent since they did remember how Cregan Stark had one day asked his daughter to go for a walk outside with him and then attacked her from behind. Luckily, although his methods of acting were a little...unorthodox, Allara and Jonnel had turned out to be great warriors like their father and mother.

"Fine" Embar lowered her head down to the ground and huffed out a cloud of smoke that the baby dragon came up to play with.

"Let's go. Come at me" Allara said before realising she said it in Valyrian "I, I mean I'm ready now"

Cuaroc and Allara both got ready in their fighting stances, their swords at the ready.


"She is brave, I give her that" Agaravel said begrudgingly.

"She is human and a female. We all know how female humans are taught, and how they are weaker than the males" Galzra said.

"Give her a chance. We won't know until we have seen her" Glaedr said.

He surveyed the girl's stance. It was weak and barely balanced. She appeared to be placing all her weight on her sword arm.


Allara waited in the stance her father and prince Daemon had taught her to keep people unaware of her true abilities.

She waited for her opponent to take the first move but once she saw he was doing the same she changed her grip on the hilt of her sword ever so slightly and rushed forward.


Cuaroc was a bit surprised when the human threw herself at him after her stance became more controlled and strong. She was still as strong as a human but she was fast. Faster than any a normal human he had ever seen.

She swung her sword wildly at his head making him have to duck only for her other hand to come at him with her fist closed. He had to bend his head further down so her fist didn't clip his metal head.

Instead of hitting him her fist hit a rock on the sand behind her. It surprised him even further when the rock fell apart a little from an indent she left in it.

"Ow ow ow" she muttered as she stopped one of his strikes.

Her knuckles had burst from the hit, as she was not superhuman, but she continued to fight him.


Allara tried to stop one of Cuaroc's strikes, surprised at how strong he was. She wasn't close to as strong as the dragon headed warrior was but she was faster.

She kept hitting him with her sword despite him countering her every blow just to find a blind spot. She realised that even though he did a very good job at covering them all, he was slow in turning.

Allara backed away from Cuaroc's reach as far as she could without arousing his suspicion and then ran at him only to tense her thighs and jump right over him. Her mother had taught her something called gymnastics which came in handy for tricks like these, although she had been warned to only do them in one on one battles as they were risky in wars where more people participated.


The human girl was keeping up with him well enough. When she backed away it Cuaroc waited to see what she was trying to do before getting closer only to have her run at him full speed.

"Foolish" he heard one of the Eldunarí say out loud.

He realised that she had found a weak spot in his fighting. The metal body he was in had grown old and harder to move over the years and it was harder for him to turn.

He managed to turn his sword arm around and his blade hit hers. He grunted at the force of her hit.


Allara's eyes widened in surprise when Cuaroc moved even faster that he had been before and stopped her blade from hitting his metal back. She heard him grunt before she was forced away from him when their blades crossed.

She was pressed down onto her knees under him before she relented, letting go of her sword so it could fall and raise her hands.

"I concede!" she shouted.

"You are good" Cuaroc said, reaching a hand to her "But you could be better"

Allara took his hand and pulled herself up.

"What do you two think?" she asked her two dragons as she wiped the sand off of her pants.

"He could teach you a few things" Embar grumbled in acknowledgement.

"I say let them help us" Drogos said as he let the baby dragon play with his tail spikes. He saw the look Embar gave him "What? He's good. Not many people can beat Allara"

"So?" Allara asked.

"Fine. But only as long as we stay here for" the female dragon turned her head away as she tried to ignore her brother's tail slapping against her back "Stop it would ya'?!"

She snapped at Drogos and soon the two dragons were brawling against each other, tumbling in the ocean and sand.

"Let's get away from here why don't we?" Glaedr said.

Cuaroc raised a hand and muttered something incomprehensible through his mask and Allara was more than shocked when the stones they called Eldunarí lifted into the air with nothing holding them up!

"The hell..." she whispered as she followed Cuaroc back to where the cave was.

"This is magic. We dragons have it naturally, but riders, mostly human ones, get magic from the bonds they form with their dragon partners" Cuaroc explained.

"You explained this to me already before, what does it have to do with me?" Allara asked in confusion as she ducked her head to keep an Eldunarí from hitting her head.

When she bent down she grumbled under her breath from the dull pain on her back. That's when she realised that Cuaroc had hit her more than a few times without her knowing.

"Have you ever done something out of the ordinary? Something you couldn't explain?" (Quoting Harry Potter over here) Glaedr asked her.

"It wasn't considered weird as my mother could do similar things. I heal faster and can give my energy to others to heal them. It was how my mother saved the princess of our continent who was being born before she had to. My family's bloodline also has sometimes members immune to fire and heat, and I am one of them" Allara explained.

"Because of your bloodline?" Agaravel asked in curiosity.

"Our general bloodline, of the people that come from the continent previously known as Old Valyria, is called Dragon Blood. The royal house of my land is even called House of the Dragon since people like to speculate that the first of Valyrians were born from a dragon" Allara said as she played with the hem of her shirt.

"Really? And..."

ф Several Hours Later

Allara was listening raptly to the stories Agaravel and the other dragons were telling her. The she dragon was in the process of telling her in extreme detail how she and her rider had died when Drogos and Embar trudged in, the baby dragon trailing behind the female.

"Did you have fun?" Drogos asked Allara as he heavily laid himself besides her.

"Indeed I did" Allara replied in Valyrian.

"Would you wish to see the eggs Allara?" a chorus of the Eldunarí's voices asked.

"Eggs?" Allara's eyes brightened.

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